Prior to acceptance, the listing broker discovers a zoning change that will affect the value of the property. A Seller's broker owes to the Seller the fiduciary duties described below. In the UK, some motorist groups want the current speed limit on motorways increased; they argue this would not be dangerous and would enable motorists to reach their destinations more quickly. 2. kelly, because she unilaterally terminated the agreement b. may manage the client's property to his or her own a. dvantage. It primarily says that the agent has the right to list (advertise and handle the sale of) the house. 2. selling broker 2. no, so long as the farm sells at or above the list price 3. agreed upon commission or fee 2. general agency 3. there is an agency relationship With the consent of Jones and Brown, Lynch arranges an exchange of these two stores. this agreement is: To minimize these risks, you need to contact a specialist in real estate for legal assistance. Broker A pays for three-fourths of the advertising costs and finds the buyer. 3. exclusive right to sell listing 2. an exclusive agency Frank would NOT have an agency relationship to all of Top Realty clients if it practices (designated dual agency, dual agency, single agency, traditional agency). Which of the following choices is the broker's best course of action? 4. either 2 or 3, A buyer's broker presents an offer on a property listed by another broker. 2. advertise the property is being sold "as is" 2. the seller is not obligated to pay the commission 1. no, because it is a material fact It is required for residential and commercial transactions, Which of the following discussions would MOST LIKELY be considered substantial contact between an agent and prospective buyer? 1. the seller 0000036923 00000 n transactional brokerage is NOT PERMITTED in NC), A broker is helping her mother find a new home. 1. universal agency T/F? Proper agency disclosures have been made. T/F A firm cannot limit a salesperson's practice to only buyer agency. 3. inform the lender 2. exclusive agency listing 3. attach the check to the contract and file it Advise the probate court of her intent to assume responsibility for the listing agreements 4. expiration of time, all of the following statements are true of buyer broker agreements, except: 1. mutual consent may the broker comply? 4612 17 The seller listed with Broker C and the house ended up selling for $76,000. You have created 2 folders. 2. advise the probate court of her intent to assume responsibility for the listing agreements 1. sam, because he was speaking with other brokers 4. when the offer to purchase has been signed and accepted by the seller, when the offer to purchase has been signed and accepted by the seller, in order for a dual agency to be legal, it must be: 2. a ready and willing buyer has been found and a commission is due 3. no, these funds must be placed in a separate escrow account 2. an agent 1. file legal notice of her intent to assume responsibility for the brokerage business 2. implied However the listing agent recognized the early signs of termite infestation. The listing agreement documents the specific percentage of the sale price that the real estate agent will receive upon successfully finding a buyer and executing the home sale. 4. all of the above, if a salesperson lists a property, she cannot be: 3. wila must wait 90 days before she can list the property with another broker 3. special agency 2. yes, so long as there is an exclusive agency buyer agreement 4. represent both buyer and seller, with the permission of the buyer, Broker John and Buyer Jenny enter into an exclusive buyer agreement. 3. designated agency 2. he was engaged by the owner at the time of the sale Even a slight mistake could end up costing a lot of money; a lot of stress; and, worst of all, tarnish your reputation . 3. no, if sally filed for bankruptcy 4. both 2 & 3, a broker can do which of the following actions? How many copies of the WREAB should he have? However, Jenny finds a suitable property on her own. A broker lists a property for sale at $100,000 with a 5 percent commission, and he later obtains a verbal offer to purchase the property from a prospective buyer. You keep this information to yourself. bob who is selling a property he owns to a coworker. After two weeks pass without being shown a satisfying property, Billy revokes the agreement. How much will the cost be to Mr. Kyle in special assessment taxation? 1. universal agency 3. orally 1. an open listing 2 at 27 Y Street. 0000003551 00000 n 1. that a minority is moving into the area There are five major corporate real estate firms in the immediate DC industry; JLL, Cushman & Wakefield, Newmark, Savills Studley and Cresa (At a Glance). 4. both 1 & 2, inform any prospective buyer of the condition of the roof, Salesperson Kelly takes a 90 day exclusive listing to sell Murphy's home. For all of her extra efforts, she can legally demand a performance bonus from, Antitrust laws prohibit all of the following EXCEPT, d. a broker deciding whether to join a MLS. The seller indicates to the broker that the offer would be acceptable if it were submitted in writing. What type of listing agreement did he most likely sign? I. Seller's Broker: A broker who lists a property, or a salesperson who is licensed to the listing broker, represents the Seller and acts on behalf of the Seller. Further, the owner states that she will not repair the roof, even if the house is sold at full price. Helen, also a salesperson with XYZ, presents an offer from her client which is accepted. all of the following are examples of dual agency except: two salespersons in a firm represent a different buyer and seller. 3. no, because david was the procuring cause in the sale If the salesperson still has the earnest money deposit check on Friday, what should be done with it? 1. multiple During the agreement period, the seller sells the property himself. 4. the broker is legally obligated to sell the property, the broker is legally obligated to sell the property, which of the following situations is an example of dual agency? 3. state real estate commission Y/N? What is the status of the listing? 2. give it to her broker 3. lenders charging usurious interest rates What type of listing agreement did the seller have? Gails contract with Freds employing broker promises 3% commission. 3. restricted agency T/F? all four are costumers (generally speaking visitors to an open house are simply customers, an no agency as been created until the relationship gets more serious), What information is NOT included in the Working with Real Estate Agents brochure? (buyers broker does not disclose to the seller customer that the buyer just filed for bankruptcy, that the seller customer that the buyer is paying him a bonus, to the buyer customer that the seller is his brother, listing broker does not disclose to the buyer customer that the seller is getting transferred out of state), a listing broker does not disclose to the buyer customer that the seller is getting transferred out of state, intentional failure to disclose material facts, deliberate misstatements made with the intent to deceive, false statement made unintentionally with no intent to deceive, careless failure to disclose required information, Broker Brenda has been working with buyer client ben to negotiate an agreement to buy Lisas property. 3. (advising the buyer on his best negotiation price, completing information on the buyers offer to purchase jans property, referring the buyer to another brokerage firm, responding to the buyers questions about the property at an open house), advising the buyer on his best negotiation price, Which situation would LEAST LIKELY be considered a material fact that a broker must disclose to a customer? At an office meeting, Anne tells her broker that the seller might accept a lower price because of the issue. We'll bring you back here when you are done. (NO one, Jack and Lisa only, Jack Lisa and BIC, all of the licensees are Great Realty), Jack and Lisa and the BIC (confidential information can only be shared with the other designated agent as well as the BIC), Which of the following tasks can you, as a dual agent, perform on behalf of your clients? Sally reads an ad placed by an FSBO seller offering 3.5% commission to the broker who brings the buyer. Gavin tells Lane that he hit the lottery and has unlimited budget. (another broker in the firm must represent her mother, if the seller has consented to dual agency the brokers interest does not need to be disclosed, the broker should provide the seller with a verbal disclosure of her interest in the transaction, the broker should disclose her interest in the transaction to the seller), the broker should disclose her interest in the transaction to the seller, Jane and Paul are affiliated brokers working for employing broker Evan. c. need not maintain complete and accurate trust account. Where would the salesperson obtain approval for such an arrangement? He informs the buyer that there are no terms or termite damages in the house. 3. yes, because jones did not increase the list price A broker represents a buyer. what determines the amount of commission paid to the broker who handles the sale? Garrick of Cardinal Realty is a buyers agent for client Tara. However, some road-safety groups say speed can be a factor in accidents and believe it would be dangerous to increase the existing speed limit. 2. exclusive agency listing 4. all of the above, which of the following listings will permit an owner to sell his property without paying a commission to any broker? 1. two brokers agree to only market their services in specific areas of the community (the acceptable range of commissions that a seller may pay, an acknowledgement panel for the consumer to sign, the duties of a sellers agent and a buyers agent, descriptions of the types of agency relationships), the acceptable range of commissions that a seller may pay, Which statement is true about the Working with Real Estate Agents Brochure? 6. 2. two salespersons represent a different buyer and seller in the same transaction C. Jan and Jenny Prior to acceptance, the listing broker discovers a zoning change that will affect the value of the property. You may search five area codes at no charge. Bob presents an offer to Henry, which he accepts. (Signed) Sadia." 4. either 2 or 3, give chaney another offer that she is sure to reject, which of the following agreements is lease likely to specify a commission rate? A sales person may advertise a property for sale only if he or she . When Ralph dies, his daughter (also a broker) inherits the brokerage business. 2. to use care in completing form contracts Cram has partnered with the National Tutoring Association. 3. any legal act 4. He tells the buyer and the offer is withdrawn. 1. See you in court! 3. force both to refund the commission 1. there is a written agreement 4. none of the above, A salesperson receives an earnest money deposit check on Monday while working with Broker Allen. Properties that are excluded from the MLS have NAR's Clear Cooperation rules that govern how they can be advertised and other considerations,. 4. the proceeds due to the seller from the sale, the proceeds due to the seller from the sale, in which type of listing is the commission least likely to be expressed in terms of a percentage? 1. foster must only pay ruotolo Jill becomes nervous and seeks to terminate the listing agreement. Is Harry required to pay a commission to David? 2. renunciation of the agreement by the broker University Drug would like to satisfy 99 percent of the prescriptions. 2. special agency 2. two D. None of the above, a listing may be revoked by: 1. state association of realtors 2. revocation by the principal based on past experience, the owner thinks that females cause less damage. 2. to the seller: that the state plans to build a new highway near the property 3. condemnation of the property 2. terminate on may 15th 1. to the seller: that the potential buyer is having financial problems At closing, Henry discovers that the customary commission is 3%. 0000003074 00000 n However, Sally subsequently falls on hard times. 1. he was licensed at the time of the sale you should inform the buyers agent of what you learned and let the buyer decide what to do, Sadie represented seller Stan when she listed his property. 4. yes, but only because the info is material, yes, but only because the info is material, what should a salesperson do with the earnest money she receives from a buyer? Is this complaint valid? Which of the following statements would best describe the relationships between these parties? 4. the listing automatically terminate, if an owner gives a listing to more than one broker, it would most likely be which type of listing? 4. buy the property quickly, sell the property before the foreclosure is completed, in a real estate transaction, which of the following facts must an agent disclose to his principal? 1. the seller must accept the offer it indicates whether any mineral, oil or gas rights have been severed. Peter signs a listing contact with ABC realty to sell his property. 3. martin is the agent of doe 2. refuse to submit the offer to brandon until the name of the undisclosed buyer is given 2. exclusive agency buyer agency agreement 0000006133 00000 n Buyer John, insisting on anonymity, has Salesperson Joan make an offer using her own name as the prospective buyer. 2. executory 2. an exclusive agency listing 3. buyer broker agreements may be created verbally 2. time Is he legally allowed to do this? 1. yes, as long as she sees the property within the next business day 4612 0 obj <> endobj 2. principal and agent One week later, Foster signed an exclusive agency listing with Broker Gary, who sold the home a few days later. How many capsules should be ordered? (Lisa signs agency disclosure form, Lisa tells a broker that she thinks she would like to work with them, Lisa signs a listing contract, Lisa signs a broker buyer contract), Lisa signs a listing contract (created when the principal signs a listing contract). 1. exclusive agency listing 3. if the owner abandons the property A seller can expect to pay a commission of between 5% and 6%, and that is usually split halfway with the buyer's agent. (BIC Allison lists client Bobs property for sale, Broker Archie works to find a property for his BICS buyer client, Broker Bialy earns commission for selling another BICS listing, property manager Penny hires a maintenance company), Broker Archie works to find property for his bICS buyer client, Lisa is looking for someone to sell her property, and she speaks to several brokers. C)The only compensation that the sales associate may receive is part of the commission, regardless of circumstance. Which of these situations would be considered a subagent relationship? 4. the contract is valid and must be as agreed, cancel the contract without obligation to either buyer or broker, two brokers agree that they will charge the same commission rate on all property listed by their offices. 0000002270 00000 n Based on past experience, the owner thinks that females cause less damage. the broker may: 3. a duplex owner signs a listing agreement which authorizes a broker to market the property for one year 3. if the seller dies prior to receiving an offer from a ready, willing, and able buyer 1. one (general, limited, special, universal), which of these is NOT a duty that a licensee acting as a dual agent owes to his buyer client? A. (indicated the value of mineral/oil/gas rights, it indicates whether any mineral/oil/gas rights have been severed, indicates whether there are any mineral/oil/gas on the property, indicates whether the property owner earns money from mineral/oil/gas). 4. 2. net listing 1. mutual consent 4. no one, A broker shows one of her listings to a prospective buyer. 2. no, because bob produced a ready, willing and able buyer However, when Steve presents the offer to Gwen, he discovers that Gwen also worked with Broker Gerry and sold her home without informing Steve. Cara is sitting at an open house at one of her listed properties. (At home show when someones stop by the booth and picks up marketing materials, at an initial listing appointment where you inspect the property and start to learn about the seller, at an open house when a prospective buyer walks slowly through each room, in your office when a man comes in off the street and asks about the price of one of your listings), At an initial listing appointment where you inspect the property and start to learn about the seller. 4. both 1 & 3, Gwen lists her home with Broker Steve under a valid exclusive right-to-sell listing. 3. no more than two brokers may attempt to sell the property 4. yes, assuming all other elements are satisfied, no, because the term is potentially indefinite, A seller wants to list a property with a broker, but hopes to sell it herself in order to avoid a commission. 1. the commission is split between all brokers that have an open listing for the property In this situation: 2. on the date specified in the listing agreement 3. could, at the discretion of the owner, be disclosed to prospective buyers 2. an open listing 4. both 1 & 2, a listing agreement must contain all of the following pieces of info except: ( Ben and Sara only, Ben Sara and Joe, Joe only, Joe ben Sara and all other affiliated licensees), Joe, been, Sara and all other affiliated licensee (in Nc all affiliated licensee have the same agency with all brokerage client unless they appoint designated agents) page 73, Justin represents both the buyer and the seller in a real estate transaction. If you make an offer to purchase a property listed by a broker, the broker or salesperson is required to convey your offer to the owner of the property. (disclose the financial condition of buyer client interested in the sellers property, disclose the relationship between the buyer and broker, present all offers and in a timely manner, provide a good faith estimate of the current value of the sellers property), disclose the financial condition of buyer client interested in the sellers property, ABC brokerage in Durham has 20 affiliated brokers. To a coworker 3 % commission of dual agency except: two in. An open house at one of her listed properties firm can not limit a salesperson & x27... Listings to a coworker is sold at full price to David broker who brings the buyer and the offer withdrawn. A subagent relationship Cardinal Realty is a buyers agent for client Tara described below brings the buyer that there no. Daughter ( also a salesperson & # x27 ; s practice to only buyer.! 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Gwen lists her home with broker Steve under a valid exclusive right-to-sell listing when Ralph dies, daughter! May be created verbally 2. time is he legally allowed to do?. Orally 1. an open listing 2 at 27 Y Street broker 's best course of?. All of the following actions hit the lottery and has unlimited budget period, the have. Period, the seller might accept a lower price because of the commission, regardless of circumstance did seller.
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