Cipactli is a sign of knowledge. Its planet is Jupiter and its divinity Patcatl. Coatl January 11, 23; February 9, 21; March 5, 17, 29; April 10, 22; May 4, 16, 28; June 9, 21; July 3, 15, 27 August 8, 20; September 1, 13, 25; October 7, 18, 31; November 12, 24; December 6, 18, 30. Azteca/Mexica Calendar Correlations: the Good, the Bad, and the Completely Useless, Itztli Ehecatl. His correlation argues that the first day of the Mexica year was February 13 of the old Julian calendar or February 23 of the current Gregorian calendar. Which three gods dominated the Aztec religion? Crocodiles are loyal friends who never forget even the smallest detail. They should learn how to control their temper. People of this sign are also highly sociable. They also had a defined social and religious hierarchy. The dog represents the maximum goddess in the horoscope. Representing prestige and beauty, people with this sign are, quick thinkers, efficient workers, sensitive, and vulnerable but can be highly sociable and like peace. This means you are quite a sensitive human being with a creative mind. 3. He is careful and kind to everybody around him. 6 Virgo (Kanya): September 16 to October 15. A question about our site? They are excellent organizers and perfect leaders, who never risk unless they're sure of success. Knowing Kabbalist or Hebraic Astrology, 9. Dates: January 6, 18, 30/ February 4, 16, 28/ March 12, 24/ April 5, 17, 29/ May 11, 23/ June 4, 16, 28/ July 10, 22/ August 3, 15, 27/ September 8, 20/ October 2, 14, 26/ November 7, 19/ December 1, 13, 25. This sign's planet is the Sun and its divinity Xlotl. He is an excellent, passionate lover. In the tonalpohualli, the sacred Aztec calendar, Wednesday March 1, 2023 is: (Correlation: Alfonso Caso - Nicholson's veintena alignment [adjust]). The Maya Zodiac Sign Calculator can work out to which Mayan Zodiac Sign you belong straight away! They give to their partners the best part of themselves. Rabbits are tireless perfectionists who will fight to achieve their goals. They can be harsh when it comes to their mistakes or others, and will not try something unless they know they can succeed. Unlike the Mayan and Western Zodiac, which are governed by estimated periods of one month, the Aztec Zodiac changes sign every day, meaning, each sign covers 24-hour periods. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. They need their freedom. The xiuhpohualli was a 365-day calendar that was based on the solar year, while the tonalpohualli was a 260-day calendar that was designed to include the holy days and rituals. The reed is a sign of light and unity that loves life. A widely accepted version was proposed by Professor Rafael Tena of the Instituto Nacional de Antropologa e Historia,[5] based on the studies of Sahagn and Alfonso Caso of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs, often combines two terms to create a metaphoric expression (difrasismo). It is a sign of sensitivity and resistance. WARNING: All content on this website is intended for entertainment purposes only. We will tell you everything you need to know about Aztec Zodiac Signs. So the four knots equal a total sacred count of 52 years. An Aztec horoscope has a 13 day cycle and there are 20 day signs to go with it which bring on a combination of 260 different days. 20 -The Flower (xochiti) bears the number 20 and its colour is white. January 8, 20; February 1, 6, 18; March 2, 14, 26; April 7, 19; May 1, 13, 25; June 6, 18, 30; July 12, 24; August 5, 17, 29; September 10, 22; October 4, 16, 28; November 9, 21; December 3, 15, 27. Xiuhphualli is the Aztec year (xihuitl) count (phualli). Dates: January 8, 20/ February 1, 6, 18/ March 2, 14, 26/ April 7, 19/ May 1, 13, 25/ June 6, 18, 30/ July 12, 24/ August 5, 17, 29/ September 10, 22/ October 4, 16, 28/ November 9, 21/ December 3, 15, 27. The first of these (the one with 12 signs), is the most widespread to date. It gets complicated, but the people we now call Maya actually called themselves by the name of their home town or city. Find Your Aztec Astrology Zodiac Sign Using the Aztec Horoscope calendar calculator. Discover yours, the one that shapes your destiny and that can enlighten you throughout your life! Mictlan (Nahuatl pronunciation: [miktan]) is the underworld of Aztec mythology. 19 - Rain (Quihuitl) bears the number 19 and its colour is dark red. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The days of the year were counted twenty by twenty. When facing a problem that has to be solved, their characters change. This sign likes logic and logical thinking. Xochitl, Your email address will not be published. They are energetic and always make plans for the future. Based on your birth day you will receive four of the zodiac signs you belong to according to four important types of astrology. A correlation by independent researcher Ruben Ochoa interprets pre-Columbian codices, to reconstruct the calendar, while ignoring most primary colonial sources that contradict this idea, using a method that proposes to connect the year count to the vernal equinox and placing the first day of the year on the first day after the equinox. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This symbolizes wisdom. January 1, 13, 25; February 11, 23; March 7, 19, 31; April 12, 24; May 6, 18, 30; June 11, 23; July 5, 17, 29; August 10, 22; September 3, 15, 27; October 9, 21; November 2, 14, 26; December 8, 20. Aztec zodiac signs The Aztec horoscope was based on the positions of the sun and moon at the time of birth. He gets along with people born under the sign of snake, dog and eagle. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Original, communicative but superficial, they prefer to talk about external facts than deepen the internal. Mayan civilization lasted for more than 2,000 years, but the period from about 300 A.D. to 900 A.D., known as the Classic Period, was its heyday. FLOWERFlower is the symbol of the game; that's why these people don't hesitate when it comes to making decisions that could change their lives. Destination sun with Creole astrology. 9. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The Aztecs developed their own judicial, economic and military systems; they worked in agriculture, commerce, and mining. Dates: January 1, 13, 25/ February 11, 23/ March 7, 19, 31/ April 12, 24/ May 6, 18, 30/ June 11, 23/ July 5, 17, 29/ August 10, 22/ September 3, 15, 27/ October 9, 21/ November 2, 14, 26/ December 8, 20. Days of RABBIT: The 20 Aztec astrology signs are as follows: Cipactli, Ehecatl, Calli, Cuetzpalin, Coatl, Cimi, Manik, Tochtli, Atl, Itzcuintli, Ozomahtli, Malinalli, Ben, Ocelotl, Cuauhtli, Cib, Ollin, Tecpatl, Cauac and Xochitl. These are cheerful and intelligent people who are in constant need of spirituality, art and joy. If youre curious, as of the writing of this text, we are in the year 9 calli (2021), near the end of the current Xiuhmolpilli/century. Aztec Zodiac Man. Just like any other great civilization, they had their horoscope about which western world knows very little, and whose system we will present. Clay signs do not like lies; they believe in justice. They are strong and brave, and know just how to be seductive be wary! People of this sign are often introverts, who are not able to free themselves from the gaze of others. In Western astrology, these sun signs or star signs run throughout the 12 months of the year. Cuetzpalin Each day sign lasts for around 24 hours, and is influenced by a number and a colour. This sign is strong of will, and good at organising, understanding and analysing. If they want to be seductive, they will be, especially when they want something badly. The Mayan Calendar is a particularly complex ancient calendar, often confused with the Aztec Calendar, made up of two separate forms of timekeeping: the Tzolkin and the Haab.The Maya Zodiac Sign Calculator uses the Mayan . What are the Aztec Zodiac signs? Discover the 20 signs below. This sign also represents laziness! He needs time to get over it. Cancer Zodiac Sign Dates: June 21-July 22 Every year, the sun enters Cancer on the same day as the Summer Solstice. This sign likes other people, and seeks to find balance with its soul mate. This trecena signifies a time of inspired play: regardless of the sport, this is the time of mastery. 18. It's a good day for being reliable and trustworthy, but a bad day for over-trusting others. Delicate and timid, this sign hates conflict. Aries Zodiac Sign Dates: March 21-April 19 Every year, the sun enters Aries on the same day as the Spring Equinox. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. He gets emotionally attached to him/her. Itzcuintli, meaning 'dog' in Nahuatl, is the day sign of the 10 th trecena in the sacred Aztec calendar. In the story of humanity, the snake symbolises reconciliation between Heaven and Earth. Anna Howard is a passionate astrologer who runs the popular blog "Elemental Astrology". Signs are determined by dates of birth. The Aztec calendar is also called by name of Tonalpohualli. Days of HOUSE: They love attention and can be seductive, or unstable lovers. A Flower sign will be full of life and vigour when paired with an Eagle or a Monkey. Discover our article to know more about : Aztec Astrology At present, the Aztec Zodiac Signs are calculated in three different ways: Following the traditional methods: a different sign every 24 hours; Relating it to the Western Zodiac: one sign per month; Through mathematical calculations that imply the sum of symbolic values, assigned to the month and year of birth. With these 3 calendars, which refer to objects, animals, and plants, the signs of the Aztec Zodiac were calculated. The 20 Aztec astrology signs are as follows: Do you want to discover yours and learn more about it? January 5, 17, 29; February 3, 15, 27; March 11, 23; April 4, 16, 28; May 10, 22; June 3, 15, 27; July 9, 21; August 2, 14, 26; September 7, 19; October 1, 13, 25; November 6, 18, 30; December 12, 24. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". The Aztec Astrology Calendar is made up of 260 days. When a storm blows, this sign always manages to calm itself down in the end. They believe in long-term planning and have a knack for business. When we talk about Horoscopes we are usually talking about the astrology that originated in Mesopotamia (c. 3rd-millennium bc) and spread to India, before it developed its Western form in Greek civilization during the Hellenistic period, per Britannica. This sign's planet is Saturn and its divinity is Tepeyolohti.4 - Lizard (Cuetzpallin ) bears the number 4. January 9, 21; February 7, 19; March 3, 15, 27; April 8, 20; May 2, 14, 26; June 7, 19; July 1, 13, 25; August 6, 18, 30; September 11, 23; October 5, 17, 29; November 10, 22; December 6, 16, 28. They easily get bored with uninteresting jobs and routines, since there is nothing that could motivate them. This sign's planet is Mars and its divinity Xochipilli. This god is considered to be the protector of the people born under that period. EAGLEEagle is closely connected to the Sun, the star that gives him courage, happiness, and beauty. Each of the twenty symbols represented one of twenty cyclical name-days of the Aztec calendar. There are 12 zodiac signs in this astrology. The Aztecs where serious about how a person must find their power in life to achieve great victories for themselves and for the community. What Year Is It Now? 5 - Snake (Cotl) bears the number 5 and the colour orange. It is also synonymous with shyness, tenacity, and being a dreamer. In the relationship, they are tolerant and romantic, but with time, they get bored and start to change. The Aztecs created 3 types of calendars: one solar, another sacred and a third based on the planet Venus. They are of good health. As lovers, they are unstable, because they never know what they want. They are naturally beautiful and seductive, but who do not do things in their own interest - they are quite simply natural and pleasant. They have leadership skills and can desire power and fame. Cauac It is seeing the universe through a different pair of eyes. There is more than one unlucky day. This is when sacrifices are made to the gods to avert the destruction of the world. Aries is a fire sign, and the first sign in the Zodiac. The Rabbit enjoys life's pleasures. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". The ocelot is a feline creature found in South America, and is very often unfaithful in Love - a sign that just goes for it. The sun god was Tonatiuh. For the star signs, they used the shorter calendar of 260 days. Its planet is Jupiter and its divinity Tlazoltotl. Cimi The passing of one 52-year cycle (xiuhmolpilli) to another was marked by the most important religious event of the Aztec world, the New Fire Ceremony, also known, appropriately enough, as the "Binding of the Years" ceremony.This was when a human sacrifice was made to ensure the renewal of the sun. Days of FLOWER: He will not agree to demands of a partner. The eagle brings value, strength, and passion. The second is a 'week', known as a Trecena, of 13 days, each day numbered from 1 to 13. The Aztec Calendar Stone, or Piedra del Sol, was buried a few decades after the conquest beneath what is now Mexico Citys main plaza, or Zcalo. Days of CROCODILE: Date: 1530. 14. The second astrology system is the Aztec Zodiac, the zodiac signs that repeat 20 times months during the 366 possible days of the year. Each month a new Aztec divinity holds influence over the fates of men. The ancient Mexicans counted their years by means of four signs combined with thirteen numbers, thus obtaining periods of 52 years,[3] which are commonly known as Xiuhmolpilli, a popular but incorrect generic name; the most correct Nahuatl word for this cycle is Xiuhnelpilli. January 12, 24; February 10, 22; March 6, 18, 30; April 11, 23; May 5, 17, 29; June 10, 22; July 4, 16, 28; August 9, 21; September 2, 14, 26; October 8, 20; November 1, 13, 25; December 7, 19, 31. He is an excellent manager who takes the risk and knows how to ensure victory. The natives of the Rabbit are kind, trustworthy, dreamers, romantic, tender, persuasive, emotional and familiar. The reed symbolises gaiety, optimism and life's most simple pleasures. Tecpatl Due to their great self-esteem, they achieve important job and social positions. Owner: Wellcome Library, London. Monkey is original and creative, his vivid imagination seeks the ways to realize his fantasies, and otherwise he becomes bored and frustrated. Crocodiles are self-confident, independent; provide support and safeness to others. Days of SNAKE: Prominent in the Aztec pantheon were Huitzilopochtli, god of war; Tonatiuh, god of the sun; Tlaloc, god of rain; and Quetzalcatl, the Feathered Serpent, who was part deity and part culture hero. These are people who are both physically and morally strong, but very difficult to please! 5. Specialists in Aztec Astrology have identified a horoscope with 12 signs and another one with 20. They love intensively and never look back if someone disappoints them. They spend a lot of time thinking and analyzing; they are perfectionists. BEWARE OF THE REACTIONS: Breaking up with 7 horoscope signs is real hell! Check out our article to learn more about ! They are sweet, simple, calm, delicate and affectionate. To complement what was described above in the first part, about the Aztec zodiac signs. He doesnt save money. Each date of birth has its own Aztec sign. Star Sign Dates & Traits. The first astrology system is the Western Zodiac, the most spread zodiac, one most people are accustomed with. Dates: January 11, 23/ February 9, 21/ March 5, 17, 29/ April 10, 22/ May 4, 16, 28/ June 9, 21/ July 3, 15, 27 August 8, 20/ September 1, 13, 25/ October 7, 18, 31/ November 12, 24/ December 6, 18, 30. There are 20 divinities in total. It would take a full 260 days (1320) for the two cycles (of twenty day signs, and thirteen numbers) to realign and repeat the sequence back on 1 Crocodile. They get along well with those born under the sign of rabbit, eagle, flint and deer. This website contains copyrighted material licensed under a Creative Commons License. The flower was associated with passion, freedom, play, and vitality. The Ocelot is gifted with great strength of character, and can easily become aggressive. Intuitive and insightful, Rabbit natives give the family a leading role in their life. They are very devoted to their families and friends. This sign's planet is Saturn and its divinity is Huehuecyotl. Dates: January 12, 24/ February 10, 22/ March 6, 18, 30/ April 11, 23/ May 5, 17, 29/ June 10, 22/ July 4, 16, 28/ August 9, 21/ September 2, 14, 26/ October 8, 20/ November 1, 13, 25/ December 7, 19, 31. There are three modalities, with four zodiac signs in each: Cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) occur at the beginning of a new season, and are excellent at taking action and. Mars and its divinity Xlotl when facing a problem that has to be seductive be wary Astrology Zodiac sign the. Dates: March 21-April 19 Every year, the one that shapes your and. Make plans for the cookies in the first sign in the first sign in end... Want something badly - Rain ( Quihuitl ) bears the number 20 and its colour is dark red achieve! First of these ( the one with 12 signs ), is the Aztec year xihuitl! Name of Tonalpohualli horoscope with 12 signs ), is the sun enters aries on the Venus! 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