Where does it sit? Feigin's first task was evident right away. Just so I get a little. If someone kills you, theyll give you the ball, Dan Feigin said. Peter: heres the market. You end up with a Jew holiday, who is this incredible, understated, all star. Then you mirror that off the court. Michael Red: So, I did some research and so, the sources got back to me. Are you allowed to talk about that, Peter? We sponsored Brook, the Lopez twins and you have Brook on your team, another great kid. We're not an organization that splits up into silos of business or basketball. And as Marc kind of ventured out over a decade ago . The whole world is on that balance, so part of what we haven't really talked about much is our culture here. It's a simple filter to go through things, if we have to question it, we're pretty sure its wrong," shared Feigin. Id like to do that ring ceremony for hourly staff every day and the world would be a good place. Peter Feigin: Listen. We closed our restaurants down. In his senior season, he was named the team captain, along with his twin brother Daniel, and was named the team's most improved player. That's what and that's ongoing. Its incredible and not many people get to do it, lets be honest, when you get to actually live your dream and go to the top. But talk about that dynamic leading through that. Just my own exposure was mixed in what are best practices for centralized services. I'll talk with her about her students and kind of support her while she's correcting her papers. Peter Feigin: And for a year of that, I kind of dropped everything and just kind of toured the country with an organized schedule, kind of understood the revenue part of it, kind of do. "Of course, you have Greece, but Asia is mesmerized by Giannis. Antetokounmpo, now in his fifth NBA season, has become a basketball and cultural phenomenon. In 2014, Bucks President Peter Feigin lost his father to congestive heart failure. I mean, nobody understands like players have a handful of days off the entire season. Its like, hey, I worry about the execution. You really need to build equity and build trust especially in the Midwest youve. It looks amazing. During a media car wash in NYC in December, Feigin opts for a sweater, not a suit and tie. Donations to the school can be turned into compensation. But it's also, listen like I wish, I have patience for nothing, and I think what I'm learning and trying to get a grip of is like how do we chip away over every issue of social justice. "We didn't have much time," he says. Like its going to streaming, its going to over the top, that is a huge change from all these local teams depending and getting guaranteed large dollar values for regional sports deals. I really hope I get to meet you in the future. The NBA is 80% of the players are African American, in such a big way. Does he pass enough? Here is your example of everything you read everything you hear, everything he does is true. It's like how it affected the players because that almost helped accelerate the importance of it. I guarantee youll find motivation and guidance from this remarkable man. Afterward, a big group heads to City Diner on Broadway for brunch. Just shut up for 15 seconds. We want to win. So I'm never a great example of where the balance is and what the cut off is in everything because it's all one big puzzle to me. Peter Feigin, President of the NBA's Milwaukee Bucks and formerly Vice President of Marketing for the New York Knicks and Director of Marketing at Six Flags, joins me on the podcast today. Peter Feigin: And how we almost flaunt it in a good way and it's kind of easy. That sounds like a little piece, but that's a big piece in the world. I never wanted to be that guy with the goggles and the knee brace and the tucked-in shirt being like, Hey! But the Bucks' toughest hit came off the court. And I think with time, you certainly kind of can take that. This is COVID, how do we do it? A lot of storytelling and symbolic, and its been 50 years between championships. Peter: did active, to get in. Number one, growth is so exponentially outside the us, which is like really interesting for NBA basketball, for participation, for media, for social consumption. While Feigin can watch Antetokounmpo and the Bucks any time he wants on NBA 2K or social media -- "The truth is our digital channels are ten times like what our local broadcasts are," he says -- he has the distinct pleasure in Milwaukee of actually getting to catch the action in person. Welcome to the impact podcast, Peter. The one thing that's been impressive for me, being a part of the family, is seeing how you all embrace the city. Peter: Married. There's no right equation. Right now, its very hard to figure out and understand where its going, because this is the wild West. Peter: We knew each other. John: That is a big deal. He's with us today. Please talk about the Cluckery because this is so much fun and I wanted you to share your whole, the vision and how this all came about. How do we build the plumbing? If you have a partner in life, they'd better be a teammate. So, how do we figure out and reorganize on the senior leadership pattern. So, it's a little bit kind of nuts and delusional to go through thinking like you can kind of accomplish or solve or get anything done, but it's kind of the way I've kind of attacked life in a big way. Theres no complexity. His sabbatical included a lengthy stint in Los Angeles on the set of Space Jam 2. After he finally made his return to The Run in January, his comeback was cut short by the pandemic. And nobody's going to question how great Milwaukee is." John Shegerian: This edition of the Impact podcast is brought to you by ERI. I took great pride in seeing the development of downtown and what you guys were doing with the city. Peter: Yeah, it is a combination of both because you really, I had a real rare opportunity to get out of sports and work outside of the sports industry for wealth. Hey, so talk a little bit about impact. And what sort of plan could we have when there was some sort of light at the end of the tunnel to kind of ramp back up in a big way. And it's kind of as an adult got me to a place where I desperately want our youth to get exposed to things they wouldn't normally get exposed to because that's how they learn what's out there. So first of all, the bubble was kind of like so exciting, surreal, and awesome. How did you put the stadium deal together? I will say one of the big advantages of the national basketball association is it truly is a collaborative, like on the court we are competitive. And remember, betting on yourself is the secret to your success. Either it came from Khris Middleton or Jack [crosstalk 00:02:21]. 1 team in the league, to be the brand representation.' That the only option we really had was to build grassroots and build relationships and take time across the entire community. Michael Red: And so, through all of the minutiae and all of 2020 and now going into the new season, which we're in now, managing to still focus the organization on winning the championship. Were going to appreciate the hell out of you. Hows Warren Buffett in person as, how exactly? If you lose, that might mean you need to keep an eye on several of your friends toddlers. And we thought we were in a place and we're nowhere close to how good we can be or how we can use this NBA platform and our players and our organization to help change the community, to help change our performance as a team, and to be better citizens. There is an honor system. He continues to build civic and business relationships around town through face-to-face interaction. And if nothing else, like we kind of, I always answer everything pretty simply. And I think of it, Michael, to answer the second part, it's like we thought we were woke. But it was so much fun. Very little sympathy or empathy for pro athletes because of what they get paid. So it was kind of building rapport and trust was the only way to kind of get this done. Peter Feigin: So I think we have that balance. Growing up, you used to hang out, go to the garden and you were a Knicks fan or Rangers fan and Yankees or Mets. My fantasy, I had two fantasies growing up. It is a really tough existence. And Giannis knows whether we're talking about a big deal, whether we're talking about marketing, he knows those socks like he's good with, he owns me for a month now, he owns me. But you got to remember, there's the rest of the neighborhood and we've got to continue to focus on the task at hand. It was like kind of so much fun and learning so much and kind of being on teams with really diverse people all around the league and around different teams. Because I talked with the Lakers guys, I talked with the Boston guys on what they had, did. And again, it's kind of the relationship. That is like what you live for. So, that part of it was awesome. Peter Feigin is riding his Peloton bike. Were going to pay you, but hey, youre going to work. I have an identical twin brother who's the headmaster of a school in New York City, that all of Wes Edens' and Marc Lasry's kids went to, who were two owners of the Bucks. And there is no magic wand that kind of changes this in six months. Just go beyond the scoreboard and championships that you guys get to make in your community, that you are proud of, Peter. Lee, 50, has worked to keep in shape by doing yoga and shooting hoops in his backyard. Peter Feigin: Khris Middleton, as you can imagine, nobody understands that players have been having to get COVID tested twice a day and you got to come into our training center and we have parking spaces. Youre going to actually have to be a decent person and not be toxic. Search Thats and like you said, you get to share that with all the hundreds of other rings. I mean, now that I worked for three owners that are kind of in finance and private equity and guys who take real big bets and everything, I don't know if I was so much of a risk taker as I was kind of attention deficit and impulsive. Everybody knows you are going to work your butt off if you work here. Jan 16th, 2016 by Mayor Tom Barrett. My son was a freshman at San Joaquin Memorial High School when Brook Lopez was there and he played with Brook under coach Pat Giles. Enter your name and email address below and I'll send you periodic updates about the podcast. And that's what we try to do. In the face of unprecedented circumstances . And that's kind of the way I think about everything. John: Just for a fun look, for our listeners sake. The future for the Bucks, championship, championship, championship, and obviously getting fans back at the games. Peter Feigin on the Fiserv Forum, Sports Betting, and the Impact of Giannis WHRB News March 3, 2019 . What has it meant to you to bet on yourself? And at the core, I've always been a sales and marketing guy. But for us, it's kind of like, "How do we make an equal playing field? John: Like you said, the smartest people could take the most complex issues and just make them simple. How does it really work? Feigin told the crowd, "The city has really embraced the organization and this team in a way that is just heartwarming and proud and were not even there yet, which is really exciting and great so thank you very very much!". And how do we capture that, both digitally and on broadcast? When you think about it, what else would you be doing? Mike, you get it because you lived it. He loved you guys and what the conversation is.". We are one big family. There's always joking, a lot of joking and the team, the organization from what I've heard and know of you is that they really, really, really appreciate your leadership within the organization. You build this infrastructure and skill set that is geared toward a championship. His company, Fortress Investment Group, also owns the eSports team FlyQuest. Peter: We like to be, delusionally optimistic. That can only come from one or two people in the entire organization. It just kind of really trying. You are in a community thats not only sports crazy, but very community minded, the Packers, the Badgers, the Bucks are all very community involved. Crazy simple story grew up in New York City, Manhattan on the Upper East Side, went to high school in Brooklyn. I became the president of the company for a number of years, and then we got absorbed by NetJets and took on that role at NetJets for a couple of years, and really learned incredibly, had this opportunity to learn P&L and operational. As you said, we all have to pay, keep the lights on buy groceries, but you cant put a value on that kind of memento that youve given to those 850 people, as opposed to a monetary bonus, you cant, theres no, its invaluable that kind of experience. Talk about that relationship that you have with the players. John: Now, you married, what, wife is a native New Yorker? Like the Kees, you're going to hopefully be doing something you love with people you love and working your butt off, but there are expectations. So I've been ticketing him with $5,000 tickets, $50,000 tickets with little notes. So, if you're against equality, then we probably never will understand or get along or agree with each other." Feigin can do all the PR he wants, but the most effective pitch to get fans into the new arena is out of his hands. Then I think as we keep exploring and kind of whats happening with online gambling and whats happening with NFTs and whats happening in the ticketing business, that it all evolves with technology, will be really interesting. But I could swear by the 10th time it happened, it was not an accident.. But his primary challenge is to build a bridge from that world to the real world that includes a home town that is torn by strife and economic stress and forge a connection with a state that has distanced itself from the . But I will tell you that most cathartic incredible, awesome thing, which everybody told me and again, the collaborative is awesome. His talents, hard work and dedication are the driving force behind the transformational vision for not only the Milwaukee Bucks and Fiserv Forum, but for the city of Milwaukee and state of Wisconsin. In many ways, you were doing a startup when you came to Milwaukee with your partners. Thank you for coming on the show. That's not a "here we got to the finish line." We are brand marketing sales people. How do we sit here and I think like, how could the Millwaukee Bucks not be, not Americas team, but Globals team. Thats just what a joy. John: He was gone. So, then you start thinking about really building a district in a small city within a city. Then, I would literally leech myself. And we're going to be the No. Peter: Well, I think first of all, everything is like, you plan to be great. How do you care about it, and Jon Horst is so great on the basketball side. And claimed, so before I did it again, I changed the two spots by the testing place to instead of handicap, they now say "Employee of the Month" right on the floor. Above me there are my two children, my son, Tyler, my daughter, Courtney. As you get older, its just harder to keep up with everybody, he said. And from your perspective, how was the bubble? It's got so many other opportunities I never would have thought of ever." Their experience is basketball. Franklin & Marshall - Citation Recognizing Honorary Degree Recipient Peter Feigin '92 Franklin & Marshall College Admission About the College Academics Campus Life Athletics Visit Alumni Connections Give Home Academics Commencement Commencement Archive Commencement 2022 2022 Citations and Remarks Citation Recognizing Honorary Degree. Youve got Jamie Dimon, who is this incredible long-term equity holder who is done it and then youve got Mike Fascitelli whos really was the chairman and CEO of Vornado Real Estate in New York on the commercial real estate side. But Im getting close to being that guy.. Milwaukee Bucks President Peter Feigin speaking at the opening of the team's new training center in downtown Milwaukee as Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett . Everythings got to be perfect to do it and dont realize because like, hey, Ive never won a championship before, never run a ring so I just started the process and I didnt realize which I now do and why our owners wanted to be intimately involved with the design of the ring. In a 10 year phase, I started with a startup with Marquis Jet, with Kenny Dichter and Jesse Itzler who started the business and came from sports. I mean, I probably publicly spoke for the first time in my life 100 times in the first 200 days to everybody from Lions Clubs to the barber shop, to the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts to kind of preach how big a deal it is for city this size to have and keep an NBA team. And I know how much you love your brother and your family, your wife, your kids. Thats a stain on your career, Dan Feigin said. John: How about the issue of when people put on those special glasses now, and they can watch a game in 3D or whatIm so out of it a little bit, Peter, technologically speaking, but the young people are talking about the future of watching sports is were going to be able to, is going to be eventually cameras court side, and were going to be able to watch it and feel like were sitting court side and youre at a bucks game. Theres some other attributes, but just take those three is like your best, which, whether youre on basketball or the business side, you die for. Thats just my view, Lasry said. He and his wife, Natalia, have two children, Alexandra and Thomas. financial capital with human capital to end up with the right result, how is that math done in Peter Feigins head? And if a new player does not endear himself to the group, it tends to reflect poorly on whoever invited him in the first place. We always tell people, listen, if you want to work here, youre going to have to collaborate with people. We had a ceremony and we had, and out of all the things in the experience, like I want to be in a parade every day. The Bucks are currently in position to make the playoffs for the second straight year and third time in four years since Feigin and friends took over. Peter Feigin: So, I think that the sky is the limit in how we take this unbelievable success and what we think could be a championship and get ready just for exponential growth. Is this incredible, understated, all star talk about that, peter lee, 50, has become basketball... Enter your name and email address below and I 'll talk with her about her and. We kind of changes this in six months, both digitally and on broadcast you be?. `` how do we capture that, both digitally and on broadcast in life, they 'd better be teammate... They get paid our culture here a basketball and cultural phenomenon 1 team in the for... 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Paul Castellano Jr, Articles P