Gun discusses her attempt to stop the Iraq War, which is the subject of the new movie Official Secrets. We had planned to demand that the Attorney General Lord Goldsmith disclose the advice he had given on the legality of the war and so put the war itself on trial. It wasone of the reasons I came to this country in 89 was because we were getting drafted, and I thought I cant do this. They published the scoop in March 2003putting Gun directly in the crosshairs of law enforcement, and sparking a legal fight for her freedom. Maybe thats rewarding. It was almost as if that request was asking for someone within their own nation to do this work; it wasn't asking another completely independent state for co-operation.". And I know whose throat it really sticks in, is [British journalist] Ed Vulliamy, who I adore. She also opposed the pending war. But the falsehoods and unnecessary wars of yesteryear likely have influenced the waning support for public institutions today. But there's no way I would have expressed that to any of my colleagues," Gun explained. Who authorised the NSA email, for example? Sorry to digress. "On the one hand, she's free. Enter Katharine Gun. I don't know that consciously it did, it's just that I didn't know the story and so, for me, it was I asked Katharine, I flew to London, I met her for five days. If there had been a UN resolution, there would have been no need to make a WMD argument because there are two legal ways to go to war. Weve said it before: The greatest threat to democracy from the media isnt disinformation, its the paywall. Which is to say that GCHQ was being asked to dig dirt on foreign officials so that they could be blackmailed, bribed or both in order to secure a UN resolution authorising an invasion. Provocation? She failed. Had the film appeared any earlier, however, I dont think Id have been able to watch it, let alone help the makers. Then the story went It turned out a copyeditor at The Observer had run the memo through spellcheck before printing it.]. But my point is simply this: The underpinnings of this country matter. I spent the following hours doubled over the toilet bowl in absolute terror. Its Straussian, over the top and pretentious but basically amounts to this. Her story, which reveals what a country will do when it wants war and claims it does not, is told in an updated book and a major motion picture soon to be released--Official Secrets (Keira Knightly is Katharine). I was suddenly free and bewildered. I was only a junior analyst, but I knew the email was outrageous: the American government was asking Britain to spy on United Nations diplomats so they could be blackmailed into supporting an invasion of Iraq. Keira calmly said: Oh, that was probably me. I still blush to the tips of my toes when I think about it. As a film of her story is planned, she tells of her anger and frustration but not her regrets, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning, Katharine Gun back in Cheltenham last week: 'This is the ugly truth of what goes on.' Jeb Bush Just Botched the Iraq Question. By the time Gun and around 100 of her colleagues received the emailed memo that would change her life, she had already come to the conclusion that the arguments for war with Iraq were not really valid arguments, she tells me. So she said, Can I just do nothing with my hair, put on the jeans like Katharine wore? So the wardrobe is accurate to Katharine's style. He runs a media charity. Neither my friends nor my family knew what I did all day. I didnt know until I looked really deeply into this that theres really two schools of thought. He is just way out there in a whole other realm. So, to find that it would be dramatised on the big screen was as wonderfully welcome as it was astonishing. WebKatharine Guns husbands photo revelations are not made by her yet. In real life, "the spellcheck largely happened through a series of phone calls," according to Bright, "because on a Sunday newspaper we don't work on a Sunday, and we don't work on a Monday. Gavin Hood: Yes, it really sticks in my throat too. Now, Trump says, he wants to see Iran back at the negotiating table. So it was a pretty awful thing to happen to her. But I do want to give her credit that I think I didn't do her justice enough in the moment that she leaked that memo; it changed so quickly to war that we don't really get a moment to absorb the fact that as a result of her leaking that memo, there was no vote at the UN Security Council. David Dayen: One thing I think you depict really brilliantly in this story is what the climate was like at the time. The team of hawks circling George Bush had long wanted to take out Saddam Hussein, as did Bush. And I went back in 93 and did another two years with the new Department of Health. The legal case against Gun was eventually dropped by the British government in 2004, after her lawyer, Ben Emmerson QC (played in the film with fabulous charisma by Ralph Fiennes), threatened to use disclosure to put the legal basis of the war itself on trial. ", The real Martin Bright (left), as played by Matt Smith (right) in "Official Secrets. If if wasnt, what does that mean for the rule of law? On the other hand, she and Ben, to this day, feel they never got their day in court. Progressive values. Chile and Mexico and the other smaller countries were so outraged that they refused to even bring it to a vote. Whistleblower and former employee of Britain's global surveillance center GCHQ (Government Communications Head Quarters) Katharine Gun smiles as she speaks to the media during a press conference February 25, 2004 in London, England. And just coming from my perspective, the press, because a lot of this is a story about the press, and how they handle it. Instead, the American coalition was Two hours later after this deep dive, I called Ged back and said, How come we dont know this story? I guess the answer to that is that her story was big news for the day, and then very quickly got crushed by a bigger story, which was the story of the invasion. It is to say that we need to know the truth behind the decisions to act or not to act. As the title of the film script suggests, she was "The Spy Who Tried to Stop a War". What do you think resonates? She got into a plea bargain, they still gave her five years. So, she began to feel uncomfortable in the work she was doing at that point. WebAnd they failed, in part, I believe, because Katharine Gun leaked that memo, Official Secrets director Gavin Hood told Democracy Now!. One is reminded of the January 31, 2003 Oval Office meeting with George Bush, Tony Blair, and Condoleeza Rice, in which the topic of provoking Iraq to start a war was particularly revealing. An insider with courage. Now someone else may beI don't know if I could hack people's phones and computers, personally. In the runup to the critical vote on war in Iraq, Katharine Gun exposed a US plot to spy on the UN. Ive already lost a dear friend, and I cant do thisget called up two months of the year, every year, for the next 12 years. Interestingly I think we faced a challenge, which some of you may or may not agree with. After the charges against her were dropped in 2004, she found it difficult to find a new Now the goal is not truth, it is victory. Abandoned blue sleeping bag, tents and several wooden shelters are found in woodland close to where police Don't just stick to the Malbec! This meant that a lot of the things that we see Gun go through in the film actually took far longer in real life. With the operation blown, the chances of George W Bush and Tony Blair getting the consensus for a direct UN mandate for war were now near zero. This content is imported from youTube. Who knows whether they would've bent those other nations to vote for a resolution. So, that's where we had to go for WMD. EXCLUSIVE: Lanzarote sticks to its guns and insists it WILL limit tourists and move away from relying on Jeremy Clarkson is axed as Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Yet I do think Keira perfectly captures the strain I was under, the isolation and fear. So there is sometimes a thought in my head that says: What if Katharine hadn't leaked that memo? But I talk to people and there does seem to be a sense of failure that, despite all the campaigning and all the marching and all the protesting and everything they did, it made not a ha'porth of difference. A translator for UK intelligence agency GCHQ, Gun read a brief from the US National Security Agency urging its British sister organisation to spy on members of the UN Security Council, to gain influence i n a vote By the time the mid-eighties came around and I was a young law student, so Im looking at it from the side of the law, we had no right of access to lawyers in trial if you breached anything that was regarded as having to do with the emergency legislation. To look at someone who I thought was quite accessible and ordinaryand she doesn't mind me saying this because Katharine is someone who keeps her head below and is quiet, and did something extraordinary. A manufactured provocation. As Bright noted, however, what we see in the movie is close to the real events. The spin in this country and in the UK was the threat of deadly weapons ready to be deployed by Saddam. She wasnt charged for eight months a gruelling period which is depicted as just a few WebI disappeared with my husband down to the coast in Brighton, on the coast of England, and spent some time away from the limelight, Gun said in the interview. Gun said that the UK government still had some explaining to do: "I thinkthere need to be more questions asked about whether they responded to that request, why they felt it was within their scope of work to respond to that sort of request, and what is the manner of the relationship between UK politics and US politics. Although the story made headlines around the world at the time of the leak and later at the time of her trial, which collapsed after the prosecution withdrew its evidence, it remains largely missing from the official narratives of the build-up to the Iraq war. If I was writing this as fiction, I need a much longer court case, right? "And she then said: 'My way into this is what would I as the unadorned, no-makeup, no-fancy-edges Keira Knightley what would I feel like if this memo landed on my desk?'". I believe that all of this should have been formally acknowledged as part of the history of the second Gulf War. What did you think was going to happen? As of 2020 Gun lives in Turkey and Britain. But this specificinstance is the ugly truth of what goes on.". Thankfully, time passes and the intensity of feelings fades. Gun had, of course, been forced to abandon her career in the civil service ", Keira Knightley and Katharine Gun at the London premiere of "Official Secrets. That kind of propaganda has to stop. She said, I thought that might be quite interesting and exciting. US firms waiting in the wings read to pump 'billions Parents' fury as schools STILL won't tell them if they are closed tomorrow as teacher strikes continue. 265 ratings46 reviews British secret service officer Katharine Gun's only crime was telling the truth, but she paid a steep price when she exposed a U.S.-U.K. spy operation to secure UN authorization for the Iraq invasion. Exaggerating threats to provoke a war? Now there is the possibility that Gun's singular life will be made into a movie. Surely, she thought, when people realised that the UK was being asked to collaborate in an operation to find out personal information that could be used to blackmail UN delegates, they would be outraged and the UK government would halt its slide into war. President Bush visits the National Security Agency in Fort Meade, Maryland, January 25, 2006. It's a fascinating film that really evokes the dangers of speaking out in the post-9/11 age, as well as the press's inability to challenge the official story on Iraq, particularly the U.S. press, which really just blacked out the Gun leak entirely. Before 1989, there had been a Public Interest Defence to protect whistleblowers, but that was altered amid the furore surrounding the sinking of the Argentinian Navy cruiser, the General Belgrano, in the course of the Falklands War. It almost started with, well, would I have the courage to do what she did in another setting maybe? And it was there that, to our amazement and totally without warning, the CPS dropped the charges before the trial had even started. She wasnt planning to get caught and then the dilemma was, My friends are all going to have their lives ruined.. WebKatharine Gun (ne Harwood), 47, is married to Yasar Gn, a Turkish Kurd, with whom she has a 13-year old daughter. You have the UN resolution, we're all doing this together to stop the genocide or something, or it's self-defense, we're going to be attacked, it's so clear we're going to be attacked that we have to take pre-emptive action. The movie tells the story of Katharine Gun (played by Keira Knightley), a translator with the U.K.'s GCHQ who, in 2003, leaked top secret documents to journalist Martin Bright (Matt Smith) that revealed that the American government's plans to apply pressure on members of the U.N. Security Counsel to pass its war resolution. I became a mother, we moved countries and I have come to terms with that year of my life, though it will always define me in some ways. The invasion was a huge blow, says Gun. It was what I was thinking, what I was feeling. So thank you for being here, it means a lot. The other kind of fight could be frightening and politically risky. And we keep that system alive. Indeed the action movie beats the living hell out of the bad guy, or if its every other Marvel movie, beats the hell out of all the bad guys. If the email did reach the newspapers, I reasoned, there would be no more than a discreet summary. Those are compelling and important qualities to see in characters that move through a story, and I feel like especially for women it's an under-valued active engine. Following the incident, Gun struggled to find work that she Martin Bright, who is in the movie very briefly I guess, is no longer in journalism as I understand it. So WMD may not have been as important, had they gotten that resolution. Please help keep the independent journalism of Common Dreams strong. Did that change your approach to presenting the film knowing that this was actually going to be somewhat of a surprise to people? Liberty, the civil rights organisation, and Ben Emmerson QC had already agreed to defend me and we prepared for trial. If we give over, if we start believing the fake news, as you say, we're all doomed, man. Quality journalism. It sounds big with Katharine but that's what inspired me. Over the weekend, I got to work. It left me in an impossible predicament. Later, she gave the document to a friend, who passed it onto a contact in the anti-war movement, until it finally landed with journalists Martin Bright and Ed Vulliamy The Observer. Theyre talking about diplomatic negotiations, and having all the cards on the table, but behind that what theyre doing is trying to bribe UN diplomatic members to vote for a war which has no legal justifications, Gun says. That's the memo. And then, she said when she got in therenow bear in mind that she still is bound by the Official Secrets Act. At first, I heard nothing. Unfortunately. Photograph: Andy Hall for the Observer, en years ago, a young Mandarin specialist at GCHQ, the government's surveillance centre in Cheltenham, did something extraordinary. So right there, you are pulling out the highlights," said Hood of the key issue with making Official Secrets. David Dayen: So why do you think this is an important story to tell now in 2019? His exact words to describe the intelligence method is, The goal of the intelligence is not the truth, but victory. That is a quote from Shulsky. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. She said, I worry what's going to happen, they'll go, Ooh, I don't know if I like Keira Knightly in blonde hair, what's she done to her nose, does she have glasses on? Because they don't have a comparison to make, until you see her at the end of the movie. Because it's just an Executive Branch trying to grab power as an authoritarian. This, despite credible evidence that Iran was in full compliance with terms of the agreement. Ed, I know some people have said that Rhys Ifans [who plays Vulliamy] is slightly over the top. Ten years ago, a young Mandarin specialist at GCHQ, the government's surveillance centre in Cheltenham, did something extraordinary. But depicting that climate, people who were not aware or active at that timedidn't realize how difficult this was to talk against the war both from the journalist's perspective and obviously someone who's in the intelligence community. We have a blondish-looking Katharine. I did feel like, Well, I failed.. My shock turned to anger as the significance sank in. I grew up in South Africa in the seventies and eighties, when apartheid was really tightening and tightening and tightening. Powerful Commons committee could look at case for banning stoves in towns and Love Island hit by hundreds of Ofcom complaints from furious viewers over 'toxic femininity' row and Movie As easy as buying a loaf of bread: Undercover footage reveals how laughing gas is being sold from local Could Northern Ireland become the UK's Silicon Valley? The comments below have been moderated in advance. If Keira Knightleys remarkable performance in Official Secrets can help change that, the film will truly have been worthwhile. Id never seen anything like it. The film also captures my determination to do what I believed was right and reveals how divisive the Iraq War was, particularly highlighting the anger within certain sections of the intelligence services as the sabre-rattling statements of Mr Blair and his spokesman Alastair Campbell were accepted without proper challenge by some in the media. Whistleblower Katherine Gun, right, is played by Keira Knightly in the movie Official Secrets, Gun was outraged after she learned - as part of her job with GCHQ - that the United States wanted Britain to assist in spying on fellow United Nations Security Council members to win a vote in favour of a planned war in Iraq. I actually think the little memo lands on our lap more often than we think, even if it's just who I should vote for. Just occasionally The point of all of this is painfully obvious. Gun was visiting friends and family in Cheltenham when I talked to her, with the strain obvious on her face but still looking much younger than her 38 years. Then the most almighty cacophony erupted, a roar so loud we could barely hear to speak. I even thought, naively, Id be able to keep my anonymity. I don't think I've ever met a more determined character and she remained utterly convinced of the justice of her cause: "There's nothing subsequent to the invasion that makes me think it was the right decision made by Bush and Blair." The decision to leak it was almost instant I felt I had no choice. It is probably still too early to tell. Gavin Hood: Hes not in journalism. The central issues of whistle-blower protection, public interest disclosures, journalistic freedom and the accountability of our elected representatives continue to be just as relevant today. Guided by her conscience, Katharine Gun defied her government and leaked the memo to the press, setting off a chain of events that jeopardized her freedom, her safety, but also opened the door to putting the entire Iraq invasion on trial. Since 2003, my life and Gun's have continued to cross from time to time. This, remember, was a conflict that caused the deaths of 179 British servicemen, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and caused countless more to suffer serious wounds, both physical and psychological. Daniel Ellsberg, the celebrated American whistleblower who leaked the Pentagon Papers about the build-up to the war in Vietnam, described it as "the most important and courageous leak I have ever seen".He added: "No one else including myself has ever done what Katharine Gun did: tell secret truths at personal risk, before an imminent war, in time, possibly, to avert it.". The decision to leak it was almost instant I felt I had no choice. And for her, this was too much. It was like a neon sign that was flashing at me, Gun says. Across the world, millions protested the invasion of Iraq, doing their own small parts to attempt to prevent the war. A thorough investigation began as soon as the staff started arriving at GCHQ on the Monday morning. What It Feels Liketo Survive a Chemical Attack. Official Secrets is, for the most part, a historical account of these events in 2003, but as with nearly all films based on a true story, some things have been changed to aid the drama of the narrative. I was 27 when it all began. Katharine Gun, former intelligence specialist turned whistleblower, discusses the new film "Official Secrets" which details why she leaked a classified memo. But she said she would still be prepared to give evidence to the Chilcot inquiry into the Iraq war. The concern among many Americans is that claims of an unprovoked, deadly attack by Iran are exaggerated. But George W. Bush did something that, thankfully, Trump hasnt pulled off yet: He took us to war. I was called on to look this way and that and smile until my face was stiff. To legitimize an invasion and get rid of Saddam, a new UN Security Council resolution, going beyond SC1441 and specifically sanctioning the invasion, was the answer. But Katharine Gun, whos now the subject of a new film, the Gavin Hood-directed Official Secrets, did a lot moreand became one of the most important political whistleblowers that most Americans have never heard of. Does anyone have any questions? One is kind of what I thought it was, which is the CIA is the Central Intelligence Agency, walled off from politicians and the executive in a perfect world, where all the intelligence comes in, they analyze it and they then present their best intelligence estimates; this is pre-war, youre not at war, to the executive branch. And Assange is the same. Then, the following November, after eight months of worry, I was finally charged. It was only later in the green room that I asked what all the fuss had been about, wondering aloud if it had been the environmental protest group Extinction Rebellion. Problem number two: Do you shut up or do you speak up? Gavin Hood: Thats such an interesting statement, I mean, I just took it at face value that papers take an editorial position, but youre right. "That really happened," Hood confirmed, though it did not go quite as it is shown in the film. "But the more I think about what happened, the more angry and frustrated I get about the fact that nobody acted on intelligence. So important was this email, I knew it might even derail the case that Tony Blair was making for joining the Americans in an invasion. So I said to her at one point, and its in the movie because her interrogator said it too and you would ask her the same question, which is Katharine I hear all this, but it was a little muddy, you worked as a spy, you hacked peoples phones and computers, you do dirty tricks. He said she didnt even know what the job was. And it's a tough profession in many ways. It was written in technical language, but the meaning was clear enough: the Americans were asking around 100 people in GCHQ to gather information from the communications made by diplomats from six nations Angola, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Chile, Guinea and Pakistan all which were then sitting on the United Nations Security Council. She was horrified and leaked the email to the Observer. You might say I am biased. So Im very proud of Keiras performance and I dont mind that she doesnt have blonde hair. Sound familiar? She could easily have been me or you at your place of work, where something comes across your desk and you go, This doesn't smell right. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. Then, the world is safer until the sequel when it all happens again. And the reason? They're more polite to their suspects. And I thought: this is good. [U.S. media dropped the story because the Drudge Report noted that the NSA memo in The Observer had British spellings for words like favourable, which nobody in the U.S. would write. Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). So thats how the scene happened, but she didnt know where he was for three days, he was at Harmonsworth, before she got him out. Katharine Gun, a shy and studious 28-year-old who spent her days listening in to obscure Chinese intercepts, decided to tell the world about a secret plan by the US government to spy on the, Don't mention the Iraq war, William Hague tells cabinet, Tenyears on, the case for invading Iraq is still valid, Occupying Iraq: a US army veteran's ambivalence, Howthe Bush administration sold the war and we bought it, the story the paper published 10 years ago this weekend, was arrested, lost her job and faced trial under the Official Secrets Act, collapsed after the prosecution withdrew its evidence. WebIn 2003, Katharine Gun exposed a plot by U.S. security officials to spy on United Nations members as they ramped up pressure to secure a resolution to go to war with Iraq, and Throughout her own court case, what only a few knew was that she was also fighting for Right: Entertainment One, Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion. We may earn a commission from these links. I admitted the leak and my life was turned upside down. For me as a journalist who was really getting started around that time, this climate of fear that was in place in the United States and also in the UK. She made the point that if you have Helen Mirren playing the Queen or Meryl Streep playing Maggie Thatcher, everybody knows those people and your judged on how well you impersonate, if you will, those people. At some point, as you probably know, Bush and Rumsfeld decided to bypass the CIA and take out that Office of Special Plans. The work shed signed up to do was covered by British law, and would be something to do with whatever that was necessary to keep British lives safe. The memo, however represented the actual twisting of diplomatic arms in order to secure a war which [was] based on lies., But it also represented an opportunity to show the world the tactics American and British officials were willing to employ in their push for an invasion. WebKeira Knightley stars in this true story about Katharine Gun, a British intelligence officer who exposed the US government's efforts to force the UN Security Council to sanction the Is this a matter of threatening to launch a war, or is it a matter of responding to the US positioning itself for war? As opposed to trying to be Katharine Gun. These superheroes, and I don't just mean superheroes in the movie sense, but larger-than-life big political figures, or Edward Snowden is almost mythical in his brilliance whether you like what he did or not, he is sort of not me. Have been formally acknowledged as part of the key issue with making Official Secrets did! 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