(vi) Environmental Controls You will need to pay a fee of 687, which covers the cost of processing your application. Language which brings about fear or distress shall not be used. (6) A triple-roller mill or an ointment mill, where applicable. 6. Signature of the examiner. Application fee for Advertisement. Contract Giver Powers of the Central Licensing Board: (1) The members of the Central Licensing Board shall exercise all the powers of an Inspector without restriction as to area, and shall have the powers of a Provincial Inspector in relation to Section 30. Verification can be emailed Protocols of tests applied: (2) The applicant shall furnish such further information and material as may be required by the Registration Board for the proper evaluation of the drug. 3.6.6 Follow-up action III. SECTION-1 4.4 Prohibition of unauthorized person (b) rupees five hundred for the registration of any other drug; and 7.4.1 Avoiding mix-ups Pharmacist by Exam (Form LA-01E) Order a Fingerprint Card. (a) To ensure that sealed ampules are leak-proof, Measurement of radiation (5) The Chairman and the Secretary of the Registration Board shall, after the Board has approved the registration of a drug, sign the certificate of registration. (e) Type of container/package, with the nature of material, package testing (chemical, mechanical, environmental). Composition of the drug, stating quantity of each active and non-active ingredient(s) per unit or as a percent age of total formulation : 10. Market your pharmacy In case of pessaries manufactured by granulation compression, if the licence does not have a tablet section, a separate area of minimum of 300 squared feet and the following equipment is necessary :-- Sodium Metabisuphite. Year 20. 6. Free samples of non-prescription drugs to the general public for promotional purposes.- There shall be no free sampling of non-prescription drug to the general public for promotional purposes. 7. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION (F) The following equipment is required for ,the manufacture of Surgical Dressings other than Absorbent Cotton Wool 9. 3.4.1 General Borax. Fumigation 14. The application can be extensive and is usually accompanied by fees, a surety bond, proof of insurance, and copies of policies, procedures, or prescription labels. Pharmacists measure and sell prescription drugs. 7.4.9 Product re-introduction on packaging line Procedure to Follow When Applying for a License to Sell Drugs 1) Complete the form-5 that is mandated in the Drug Rules. (a) animal or clinical investigations and tests conducted by the manufacturer or reported to him by any person concerning 1.2 General.-- Contract production and analysis shall be correctly defined, agreed and controlled in order to avoid misunderstandings that could result in a drug or work or analysis of unsatisfactory quality. 5.2 Dedicated Facilities for Production 4. Promotional material shall be factual and claims for cure, prevention or relieve of an ailment shall be made only if this can be substantiated. (4) A licensee whose licence has been cancelled or suspended may appeal to the Appellate Board within sixty days of the date of receipt of the decision of the Central Licensing Board by the licensee and until the Appellate Board has given its order, the licence shall remain cancelled or suspended, as the case may be. SCHEDULE B 6.4 Intermediate and bulk products 536(1)/93 dated 23rd June 1993. The Doctor of Pharmacy degree (often abbreviated Pharm.D. Provided that such variation shall be recorded in writing with reasons therefor and also communicated in writing to the manufacturer for his record, FORM 1-A I/We . of hereby apply for the renewal of a licence to manufacture by way of on premises situated at (b) Disintegration time as often as practicable. Proposed dosage : Signature of Analyst, 10.1.8 Revision of specification By way of basic Rs. 67. 3. The following equipment is required in each of the three sections :- Omitted vide S.R.O. Form 1 (m) "compounding" means scientific combination of two or more ingredients with a view to make a finished drug; SECTION -- 8 6.6.3 Batch recovers 6, Date of injection, 46. SECTION -- 5 The drug(s) or class(es)of drugs intended to be continued to be manufactured:- 7.3.1 Pre-Processing cleanliness checks Undertaking to manufacture drug locally within two years. 7.1.3 Avoiding deviation (6) Finished products shall be stored in a suitable separate place. (iii) Coating Section. (2) Graduated delivery equipment for measurement of the medicament. 7.4.8 On-line packaging checks Calculated Paid investment Turnover 5. SECTION -- 6 General Justification : (Only in case of a new entity). 1. In Pakistan a person who has following qualification will be considered as an eligible candidate for course of pharmacy technician; Matriculation with science from a recognized institute of Pakistan. (i) "biological agents" means micro-organisms, including genetically engineered micro-organisms, cell cultures and endoparasites, whether pathogenic or not; (A) For the grant of Registration Rs. Conditions of licence to manufacture drugs for experimental proposes: A licence issuing under rule 21 shall be subject to the following conditions, namely :-- (iv) the contra-indications, the side effects and precautions if any; and 4.2 The contract shall specify the way in which the authorized person releasing the batch for sale ensures that each batch has been manufactured in, and checked for, compliance with the requirements of the marketing authorization. 15,000 If withdrawn from the market anywhere Calamine. Pennsylvania Licensure Requirements. degree from a college accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE). 5.2 Hygiene DETAILS OF THE FIRM Provided that under special circumstances to be recorded in writing, the Registration Board may register a drug and require such investigations and clinical trials to be conducted after its registration. Number of rabbits used. (aa) "marketing authorization" means a document, issued by the Drug Registration Board set up under the Drugs Act, 1976, as a certificate of drug registration; 6 wherever necessary. Substances Parenteral preparation in general: (5) Pessary and tablet counter. 2. (f) side-effects and major adverse drug reactions; Sulphonilamide Powder (B. VET. Remarks. (e) The Quality Control Department shall be independent of the manufacturing unit and its incharge shall be whole time employee of the manufacturer and shall possess a degree in pharmacy, or a degree in science with chemistry or a degree in medicine or pharmacology (for pharmacological testing) or a degree in microbiology (for microbiological testing) and has sufficient experience in testing of drugs: Type of licence Fee The profit margin of retail pharmacies or medical stores ranges from 15 20 to 20% for each product. 5. 250 or by fax at 518-402-5354.; The State Education Department is not responsible for any fees paid to an outside testing or credentials verification agency. degree program in the United States requires at least 2-years of specific pre-professional (undergraduate) coursework followed by 4-academic years (or 3-calendar years) of professional study. (vi) no person known to be suffering from communicable disease or to be a carrier of such a disease and no person with. 3, Batch number Investment Turnover Profit before tax Percentage 1% before tax for Central Research Fund percentage of Profit 2.4 Piping Form-7 License: This type of Drug sales license should be used for the sales of Medicines for Importers, Exporters, Indentors and Manufacturers. Contract production and analysis The text shall be fully legible. 4.4 Specifications for Finished Products An area of minimum of 200 square feet is required for the basic installations. 19. Labelling : (Specimen to be enclosed alongwith a .sample and undertaking to refrain from counterfeiting shall also be submitted) : Advertisements shall also indicate, where applicable, appropriate limitations to the use of the drug. Japan, USA and European Company Member countries. (2) The import, manufacture and sale of drugs shall be in accordance with the information contained in the applications in respect of those drugs or in any supplementary information or, where such information was amended by the Registration Board, in accordance with such amended information on the basis of which such drugs were registered: We recommend that you send all supporting documentation to NABP at the time of submitting your application. 16, Records on the disposal of rejected batches and batches with-drawn from the market. 4, Date of receipt of sample. SCHEDULE B-III Signature of the expert staff responsible for manufacture. (ae) "Ordinance" means the Drugs Ordinance, 1976 (IV of 1976); (4) Stainless steel vessels and scoops of suitable material, 4.1 A contract shall be drawn up between the contract giver and contract acceptor that specifies their respective responsibilities relating to the manufacture and control of the product, and technical aspects of the contract shall be drawn up by competent persons suitably knowledgeable in pharmaceutical technology, analysis, and good manufacturing practices. Air supply system (5) The Registration Board may, while registering a drug under sub-rule (4), approve the details as supplied by the applicant or approve them with amendments as it may deem fit in respect of the following particulars, namely :-- 6.2.6 Labelling 32. Bismuth Subnitrate. 6. 7.4 Packaging operations 6. Name of drugs with quantity to be manufactured. Maximum temperature. Tableting Section: 10. (10) Filling and sealing unit (4) The Registration Board may appoint a panel of experts or inspectors to inspect on behalf of the Board the premises of a manufacturer of drugs and to submit its report to the Board. Filed Officer will recommend or reject for establishment of pharmaceutical . Information for patients contained in package inserts, leaflets and booklets.- (1) Adequate information on the use of drugs shall be made available to the patients where it is necessary for rational use of a drug. (4) Oven thermostatically controlled. 4.8 Training Board shall be deemed to be an additional category of drug for the purpose of this Schedule. 24. 16. Sterilization by radiation 7.1.1 General Zinc Oxide. 1. Clothing requirements (j) One Surgeon, to be nominated by the Federal Government. Details of Disposal 3. 4.9.5 Avoiding direct contact with materials (6) Antacid and carminatives: (iii) the dosage; (f) the applicant shall ensure that-- 14. 1.Analytical report number Anyone who is not registered with the GPhC but practises as a pharmacist or pharmacy technician, or refers to themselves as such, is breaking the law and can be prosecuted. 16. 7.2 Prevention of cross-contamination and bacterial contamination in production Serial number Airlock system DRUG REGISTRATION FEE 4. Provided that an application for the renewal of registration shall not be entertained unless it has been made within sixty days after the expiry of the registration and when an application has been made as aforesaid the registration shall subject to the orders passed on the application for the renewal continue in force for the next period of five years : A Complete Guide for DHA Exam ( For Pharmacist and Clinical Pharmacist) DHA stands for Dubai Health Authority Exam. Statement of the Central Research Fund. (ag) "packaging material" means any material, including printed material, employed in the packaging of a pharmaceutical product, excluding any outer packaging used for transportation or shipment and packaging materials are referred to as primary or secondary according to whether or not they are intended to be in direct contact with the product; ], reject the application for registration and inform the applicant of the reasons for such rejection in writing. (b) "airlock" means an enclosed space with two or more doors, which is interposed between two or more rooms of differing classes of cleanliness for the purpose of controlling the airflow between those rooms when they need to be entered and an airlock is designed for and used by either people or goods; (b) For the renewal of licence 4.8 S.O.Ps for Testing 6.11 Miscellaneous Precautions during cooling Sodium Iodide. Pharmacies must also be registered with the GPhC (or be a pharmacy department based in a hospital or health centre) to operate in Great Britain and to use the title 'pharmacy'. GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN (1) Storage equipment for ampoules and vials Potassium Bicarb. SECTION -1 5. [See rule 16 (bb)-7] (2) Post-marketing scientific studies and surveillance shall not be misused as a disguised form of promotion. (7) The licensee shall comply with the provisions of the Ordinance and the rules and with such further requirements, if any, as may be specified in any rule subsequently made-in this behalf or any other condition that may be imposed at the time of grant of a licence in the special circumstances of each case. Examination Procedure: 1. 2. [See rule 30 (11)] (d) Volume in container, Note: The registration fee will change to $35 on September 1, 2021 and will be in effect until June 1, 2022. (ii) the Federal Government may, after giving an opportunity of being heard, prohibit the publication of any advertisement in any such journal as it is found to violate any of the conditions specified under sub-rule (1). 6.2.1 Purchase (iii) facilities for vaccination and inoculation against the enteric or any other epidemic group of diseases; and Sterilization by moist heat The premises and plan will be ready for inspectionon or are ready for inspection. WHICH IS PROHIBITED (5) Mixing and preparation tanks or other containers. Countersigned by .. (h) one representative, not below the status of an officer of BPS- 19 [..], of each of the Ministries of Commerce Industries & Justice to be nominated by the Federal Government; and It is compulsory to pass the DHA exam in order to practice as a licensed medical professional in Dubai. This exam is to assess the student knowledge, ability to interpret and apply all legislation that impacts on current pharmacy practice in Ontario. Don't have an Account? Provided further that a person already approved by the Central Licensing Board as the production incharge of a pharmaceutical firm shall continue to be the technical supervisor of that firm for the purposes of this rule. 4.5 Sampling (v) licence to manufacture for experimental purposes. 5 wherever necessary. (c) For pyrogens wherever applicable. (2) Pill machine, where applicable. Total. Asepsis of articles in clean areas 6.6.1 Storage and disposal Note: Particular regarding various tests applied (including reading and calculations) shall be maintained and necessary reference these records shall be entered in serial No. SCHEDULE B-I having been made, approve of the manufacture of such categories of drugs. Form-5 (Click to Download) 2) Follow the instructions provided and fill out an affidavit on papers with a Rs.50.00 stamp ( Click to Download- Affidavit ) 3) Make a deposit in a bank . Outside contractor (i) A decease of more than 20% in blood cholinesterase activity,. Magnesium Carbonate. 22. 22. I/We of ..hereby apply for registration of the drug, namely..details of which are enclosed. Main Pharmacological group to which the drug belongs: SECTION-3 Toxicity Test: Number of container packed (i)All claims shall be made in accordance with these approved for registration of that drug. 1. (i) ensure that products are consistently produced and controlled to the quality standards appropriate to their intended use are as required by the marketing authorization or product specification; and 7. Ensure contact between gas and microbial cells (j) reference to appropriate scientific literature ; and (x) "large-volume parenterals" means sterile solutions intended for parenteral application with a volume of more than 100ml in one container of the finished dosage form; Order cabinetry 7. To establish a pharmacy or medical store in Pakistan require grant of license by Secretary, District Health Authority. 7.4.10 Discrepancies to be investigated (1) Jacketed kettle, or equivalent steam, gas or dect1cally heated for preparing solution. 19. 8. 2. (3-A) Application for renewal of registration of a drug shall be made in Form 5-B. Specifications with details of analytical procedure (not required in case of a drug for which the pharmacopocial standards recognised under the Drugs Act, 1976 are claimed): (C) The licensee shall comply with such further requirements, if any, as may be specified under any rule subsequently made. Name of the sample. 6.1.1 Quarantine 6.2.4 Damaged container By way of basic Rs. (b) the Director, Health Services of, each Provincial Government; {4) Heater and exhaust system, where applicable. Provided that an application for renewal shall not be entertained unless it has been made within sixty days after the expiry of the licence and when an application has been made as aforesaid the licence shall subject to the orders passed on the application for renewal continue in force for the next period of two years. QUALITY CONTROL DEPARTMENT The bachelor's (B.S.) (b) The licensee shall record in Schedule B-Ill the particulars of manufacture of each batch of drugs manufactured by him and shall retain such records, in the case of a substance for which expiry date is fixed for a period of two years from the expiry of such date and, in the case of other substances, for a period of five years from the date of manufacture. of pharmacy degree is no longer offered in the U.S. Pharmacy Admissions or an officer of the Provincial Health Department not below the status of Additional Secretary, to be nominated by the Secretary, Health Department of that Province. 3.3 Control procedures in force for a period of five years from the date of Registration of the drug and may thereafter be renewed for periods not exceeding 5 years at a time. A. 2. Prescription drugs should only be purchased from wholesale drug distributors licensed in the United States. III. . 2.1 Manufacturing operations Batch number. Sulphur Sublime. 4.10 S.O.Ps Miscellaneous Care of starting materials 10.1.10 Starting material re-assay (c) The licensee shall either in his own laboratory or, where so authorised under the proviso to clause (e) of rule 16, in any other laboratory approved by the Central Licensing Board, test each batch of the raw materials used by him for the manufacture of drugs and also each batch of the final drug, shall maintain records showing the particulars in respect of such tests as specified in Schedule B-III and shall retain such records, in the case of a substance for which expiry date is fixed for a period of two years from the expiry of such date and, in the case of other substances, for a period of five years from the date of manufacture. or the director or manager of the firm or company by which, the drug will be manufactured. 8. 35. (3) Employers shall be responsible for the statements and activities of their medical, representatives. 30 Hours of Continuing Education. Prohibitions 10.4.8 Standard operating procedures Serious illness liable to endanger the life of the patient (e.g., pneumonai, pleurisy, abscess of the lungs). (3) The Registration Board may appoint a sub-committee consisting of at least one Clinical Professor, one pharmacologist and one pharmacist to make a detailed examination of each case and to submit a report for the consideration of the Board. Interval between operations to be minimal E. Container, packing material, etc. (a) the Director-General Health, Government of Pakistan, who shall be its ex-officio Chairman; Note: Records racer, cling various tests applied (including reading and calculation) should be maintained and necessary reference to these records should .be entered in serial No. 10.1 Documents 3. Proposed route of administration. Opinion and signature of the approved Analyst. *Number of Registration and date of issue if plicable. Building Design And Construction (General) 16. Employers shall be responsible for the basic and continuing training of their representatives. General Sexual importance. A total area of not less than 900 square feet for the three Sections is required for basic installations. 13. 5 whenever necessary. (b) The licensee shall allow a member of the Central Licensing Board or of a Provincial Quality Control Board or an Inspector to enter, with or without notice, the premises where the drugs are manufactured and to satisfy himself that the manufacture is being conducted for experimental purposes. 50.00 stamp papers as prescribed ( Click to Download- Affidavit) [See rule 31 (10)] 62. (6) in. in the country of origin (in English and in Form 5 (c) : 3. Pay your fees using internationally accredited credit cards e.g. Sodium Chloride. (o) "critical process" means a process that may cause variation in the quality of the pharmaceutical product; 9. General 14. 22. sealing unit, To verify a wholesale drug distributor is licensed in the state (s) where it is. (J) The following equipment is required for the repacking installation of drugs and Pharmaceutical Chemicals 1. (a) recommended clinical use and the claims to be made for the drug. (a) The generic name(s) of the active ingredient(s); Bismuth Carbonate. 1,000 per advertisement. Name and address of the manufacturer (3) Polishing pan, where applicable, 3. I/We of .. hereby apply for a licence to manufacture drug(s) specified below for experimental purposes at .. and I/We undertake to comply with the conditions applicable to the licence under rule 22 of the Drugs (Licensing, Registering and Advertising) Rules, 1976. (h) Any other teats. 29. SECTION--2 Pharmacy Licence Application Form It is among the most prestigious professions in business that requires a minimal staff (Pharmacist, Cashier, and Accountant). (iii) Details of the section-wise equipment and machinery for manufacture and quality control. It is an exam to acquire a license for all medical professionals who would like to work in Dubai. Conditions or registration of drug: (1) The relevant provisions of the Ordinance and the rules in respect of the registered drug, shall be complied with. Sodium Potassium Tartrate. 4.5 Master Formula 4.4 Quarantine (3) If the Central Licensing Board, after' such further enquiry, if any, as it may consider necessary, is satisfied that the requirements of the rules have been complied with, it may issue a licence in Form 2. Equilibrium with humidity and temperature (a) A complete description of and date derived from studies on the stability of new drug, including information pertaining to the suitability of the analytical methods used 4. 6, Results of tests applied. 3.2 Services Results of assay. Male Female . Certificate regarding sale and G.M.P. (g) Results of assay. 3. Provided that: (e) Disintegration test (time in minutes). (K) Requirements for the manufacture of Parenteral Preparations: The whole process of the manufacture of parenteral preparations may be divided into the following separate operations: Weight of granules. Provided that the Federal Government may, if in its opinion the public interest so required, withdraw the approval granted to any advertisement or modify or alter any condition subject to which the advertisement was approved. Proposed route of administration: Quality assurance system. Name of the sample. 6. Medical Representatives.- (1) Medical representatives shall have an appropriate educational background. (3) Substantiated information on hazards associated with the drug shall be reported to the Registration Board as a priority. Of.. hereby apply for REGISTRATION of a drug shall be responsible for manufacture and quality CONTROL specification way... 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