James has all the characteristics of a false teacher. (function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';fnames[1]='FNAME';ftypes[1]='text';fnames[2]='LNAME';ftypes[2]='text';fnames[3]='MMERGE3';ftypes[3]='text';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true); Copyright 2023 Living With Power. Her first year at college and her first visit to Harvest RM. I have been attending Harvest and listening and learning from Pastor James sermons for almost 10 years; I have witnessed the sweet joy of my husband coming to Christ because of God using Pastor James mightily; and I have been blessed beyond measure by the positive impact Harvest, its ministries, and especially its PEOPLE have had upon my relationship with God, my Harvest friends and family, my life, and my marriage. So now, I tell the truth about what happened, and it isnt only a Pastor James problem. I am now going to read the rest of your post. Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.. As a nation, something painful will bring us back. While only a handful showed up, the range of their pain was wide. Driscoll, now MacDonald. God is good, truth always win. We are satisfied and grateful to our pastor for his Christlike behavior. It was not supposed to be that way. What should we be planning for, praying for, and what did Jesus teach about? A new believer has lost faith because of the shameful behavior of HBC leadership and all you can say is question the new believers truthfulness of his account? Many people went to leaders and spoke up. This is the right time as the judgment of God has come to his people. Thank goodness God is still God! For a different church model, see My Dream Church https://sites.google.com/site/mydreamchurch/. You too felt you had to leave Harvest and what was your point of conviction on having to leave the Church ,that we all sacrificed so much for! You are courageous! Those who step out of line are often dismissed. The fallout has only just begun. Updated 11/13/2020 7:31 PM. Open your eyes and feel the heat of the refiners fire. The World article on the topic says that after Secrest was fired, "he was stunned, because his contract stipulated that he could be fired only for . The sin that has taken place does not negate the awesome work that God has done, and it pains my heart to hear people act as if it does. But, thats my opinion. I did not fear God as much as I feared James and longed for his approval. Why kick him and the church while their down Lina? On January 7, 2019, Harvest elders announced they decided to drop the lawsuit against Julie Roys and four other individuals. Can you please contact me from the Contact button on my web page here? Witnesses say MacDonald was angry that the photo was still on display. I thought something was off but had only my own suspicions to go on as we were told not to criticize. The Spirit has shown me that Church, the Body of called out believers are those Christians you meet with. Did you see the link to my web page. Did you realize elders and pastors are personally apologizing g to people? Nellie, you know what Lina went through in prep for this how? Thank you Lina, for opening the door of your life so that we can understand your experience. On January 16th, MacDonald took an indefinite sabbatical leave. We are currently experiencing similar tragedy at HBC-Naples. I feel angry that the people who were supposed to be watching over the congregation allowed this to go on. []. Whats also sad is that old witness accounts go to show how truly far reaching and how long this behavior has been going on. We continue in prayer for all those affected near and far. The culture of fear is real, soo much so I dont feel comfortable giving my name as some will know me. MacDonald defended the decision to sue fellow believers in an opinion piece published inChristianity Today,which also published criticism of MacDonald. I never attended HBC except for the one time when we visited several years ago and had to sit out in the foyer as the music was blasted out too loud. Women are not silenced: This model is not original and is old but it is appropriate for the megachurch and also for the persecuted church. Church is a small community. Muller had prematurely announced the pastors departure on Friday morning on his show on WLS 890 AM, going on to declare on Twitter, Conman Boss James Macdonald OUT of Harvest Church!. Let this awaken and take down other church leaders that have similar goals. There were several close family deaths, lost our home, business and more. Blessings to you! Id encourage you to read the prophets again, and ask, what upsets the heart of God? And then maybe its time to ask whether those things should upset you as well. Harvest used that phrase to manipulate the congregation. He is angry that they keep on sending texts and emails asking for money. Sometimes they will require being nice. Its hard. Show how we come together as one in the body of Christ! The Elephant's . But wait who is that lurking around the edges, his deeds the center of everyones interest in our church right now, salivating and gleeful that divisiveness and sin is healthy within the body of Christ? Thank you for sharing. We are to find our faith and hope in the Message, not the messenger. God bless you. The issue here is not TIMING or kicking someone when theyre down its about exposing ungodly, cowardly behavior and making people aware of its existence. No church is, because they are all filled with sinners like us. Often it was the leadership that lost track and influenced the group. [], [] While only a handful showed up, the range of their pain was wide. So the Harvest Bible Chapel elders fired him, fired him from pastoring his own church, which of course was no longer his church to make decisions for, but theirs, as a wholly owned subsidiary. Your time at Harvest made a huge impact to my small group and strengthened my faith in Christ . We are all human, myself included. Love for God, relationships, and the church. I simply could not reconcile the lies that were shared from the pulpit with the truths that I knew regarding issues in the church. Then, not ten minutes later Mike Dunswood told us the Elders were told ( presumably by the XLT, which included Jeff Donaldson) all parents were notified about Paxton Singer and his sexpoitation issue in Jan 2018. When I left my job I stayed at HBC for about another year before leaving entirely. I was wrong in hindsight. Im a prostate cancer survivor and had radical prostatectomy in 2005. I cant imagine a culture in which you felt such fear. Im sorry that the doctrine that youve been taught says that life is about being kind and nice, rather than about being good. Good for you and speaking up. Though MacDonald has been granted the rights to his Walk in the Word ministry, he and Harvest remain at odds. The Right's New Lie: The Left Gave Us Toxic Masculinity, The Harvest Bible Chapel Scandal in a Nutshell (And Why You Should Care). It never dawned on me that no one from HBC would reach out. Thank you for having the courage to write what you did and for your ministry Lina. Praise and Worship is congregational: In the clips, the person who sounds like MacDonald talks about a plot to plant child pornography on Christianity Today CEO Harold Smiths computer. I believe you are mistaken. Were you bullied by those elders named? I didnt want to upset James. It is so sad when the devil works to cause problems in a church. Our GOD is an awesome GOD. Thank you. Jackie Alfirevic HBC mothership (1992-2011). I regret my own weaknesses, my love for the approval of others. When the Church becomes the organization instead of the people, then it ceases to be the Church. Ive tried to cover everything in prayer but I dont feel God right now. Such a good post Lina. Im so sorry, and Im sorry for the comments here that are going to be painful for you. If you like harvest and the culture of hidden abuse and The narcissistic system in order there- by all means, stay! Different situations require different things. I volunteer in the childrens ministry and the youth ministry as well, pouring into children and youth. Following a lengthy season of review, reflection, and prayerful discussion, the Elders of Harvest Bible Chapel had determined that Pastor MacDonald should be removed from his role of Senior Pastor. The problem was not simply Harvest messaging, but also the teachings that made such messagingmake sense. Again I dont blame James MacDonald. You said, out of fear, I complied. 1 Timothy 5:20 She was obedient to Christ. Lean should read it and reply in kind. There were other things that caused us to leave also. What Can Christians Do About Climate Change? Pray for James and Christs church that the LORD would accomplish what HE and HE alone is allowing. Sign up for our newsletter: The word of God and the flock were only mentioned at the end of the long list. God wins the war. I have a love-hate relationship with Thanksgiving Day. Oh Kristy, Thank you so much for expressing exactly what I am feelingsuch sorrow, such heartbreaking sorrow. The leader of that church, John Secrest, was blindsided by the news and asked Harvest elders to reconsider allowing MacDonald to preach there. A final incident in Roys article involves MacDonald publicly berating HCA students, an incident witnessed by Harvest videographer Luke Helmer. Most continue to stay there, as their numbers dwindle. The only hope is to totally exposed and excise it so that all will not be consumed. Most of my friends as well. Every weekday, get RELEVANT's top five articles delivered to your inbox! I was mortified. But your words affirmed what I suspected. The assistant pastor just tried to deflect and justify the pastors actions. Sunday Service-10:15 AM/Wed. Such lack of accountability is often a problem at megachurches, which tend to be founded by charismatic individuals who quickly amass a large following. It would be endearing to me and honoring to them. I hope that you are recovering well, for you have added a vital piece of information. The former Harvest Bible Fellowship leaders now at GCCwhich contains about 130 churches, more than half of which still have Harvest in their namesshare concerns about the churchs leadership and are looking for transparency and repentance from MacDonald. This decision was made with heavy hearts and much time spent in earnest prayer, followed by input from various trusted outside advisors.. This was encouraging to read and I hope others take it to heart. I do believe you. It seems to me that theyve had years to repent and make things right. I am ashamed to say that after being a member at Harvest for 8 years, that was the first real conversation I had had with an elder about the state of affairs of the church at that time. Our full Sunday service will be streamed here every week beginning at 9:30am, and will be available throughout the following week. Others had old wounds that had resurfaced and were hurting, having never felt closure to their stories, Abujamra, a Bible teacher and Moody Radio host, wrote on herblog. Harvest, an off-shoot of an eponymous megachurch in Illinois, was sued for. I choose to stay through this pain because, for me, leaving would create a wound that would never really heal. Be blessed. In other words, thatwasMacDonald in the recording. My family attended a smaller Harvest church close to Elgin. 1 Timothy 5:20: But those elders who are sinning you are to reprove before everyone, so that the others may take warning. Not saying thete arent strong christians in leadership at this church but it does always seem that when pride gets in the way of leadership it hurts that person and everyone around them. You are joined with so many ex harvesters that were wounded deeply by what became a toxic culture at HBC. I was a woman ruled by fear. The Lord has used you mightily before, during and after your exit from the toxic leadership at Harvest. My coworker who was Catholic and going through a painful divorce, was led to Christ by me. Thank you for opening up your home so that hurting people could come together and share. Please support my writing! and pro football. Welcome to the Video Broadcast ministry of Cornerstone Bible Church. So are you saying that there is mind control of the underling staff and of the rank and file members going on at HBC? Now he is disillusioned and wants to go back to Catholicism. He lists grievances against Harvest including a false narrative in financial matters, a hostile takeover, shunning our family, the wrongful seizure of the ministry assets returned to him in the recent arbitration, and a vicious but unsuccessful strategy to end our ministry permanently.. You have to leave before you can see clearly. Churches Still Depend on Clergy Housing Allowance, No Celebrities Except Jesus: How Asbury Protected the Revival. Typical gossips and power struggles are only the surface. Oh my how that resonated with me and the experiences my beloved and I have had with churches in the UK. Amen sister!! Reflect about yourself and what steps you need to take to be healed and then to help others heal. There the preacher has no real power at all. God is purifying His Church. So beautiful. And this was all the way back in 2012). Agreed Sheila. Mahoney and Bryant shared concerns about Harvests financial dealings, and provided a platform for other former Harvest members, who accused MacDonald of a controlling and abusive leadership style and pointed to an overall lack of accountability for MacDonald at Harvest. We are thankful and humbled by His care and protection of our family. The controversial founder and former pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel is barred from serving as pastor or elder of the popular evangelical Christian church ever again after an investigation. BTW, Ive loved your blogs in the morning, but cant read the Twitter ones because I am not on Twitter. I have never attended Harvest. Im praying for you. Wounds take a great deal of time to heal and its appropriate to share them and warn others to avoid similar church abuse. Why if it wasnt really a real sinful mess would so many in leadership just exit and give up what was a big part of our lives and our kids lives? There is no timing to sharing pain. If the church treated Lina this way, they will do it to you and others without a second thought. Those that have gone through it ask themselves, should I speak up?. First, they resigned, along with a third elder (who was not excommunicated only because he also left Harvest and was no longer a member), in protest of how the church was being run. I pray your steps continue to be guided by our Lord! There are people there I thought were my friend and as soon as my life takes a left turn and happens out of order (first came baby then came marriage and then another baby) I get ousted out and judged and hurt. Or they, too, are so rotten at the core that they dont care. I will be praying for you , too, Lina. When you started, you (and others) mentioned the cult of personality that James benefitted from. There are dozens if not hundreds of witnesses against many Elders at Harvest all saying the same thing. Your truth was not conceived in fasting or deep prayer and it sure isnt loving. Voices heard together make a difference. Last November, Harvests new elders (all those who served under MacDonald stepped down) declared that their former pastor failed to meet the elder qualifications laid out in Scripture and could not return to their church. Gods timing is always perfect. Or share it. The Rolling Meadows Campus is our founding campus and for more than three decades has testified to God's faithfulness. Nellie, Your comments are without sound knowledge of the depth of this I am SO glad that Lina has allowed the grace of Christ to free her from the culture of fear that controls Harvest Bible Chapel, and I am impressed by her willingness to speak in such as grace-giving way that will speak freedom to others who are hurting from this. I saw the horrible video of the three Elders that were fired, It was autrocious! But I lived this in the late 70s and early 80s the scandals of the then big preachers they fell down hard as well. If you have something to recommend I read that would help me in this area, Lina, I would appreciate it. Why do you say you have a lack of music?. Not everything needs to be about Polititcs. Unfortunately I dont think the Harvest RM is the only Harvest with a culture of fear. God bless. A year or so before leaving Harvest I had written a blog post about holiness in which I had referenced the growing fad of tattoos in our culture. Lina you were humble and owned more than most. Another blind believer. Im not on FB, so I didnt see your post where you extended an invitation to us to meet with you again. Like in Ezekiel, many people are trying to sound the trumpet of warning!! Lina, thank you for your post, and thank you for your honesty and transparency. He just got into the worlds standards for a preacher. God IS in control and knows what he is doing. In 2019, Harvest initially did not release these assets, assuring the congregation, none of Harvest Bible Chapels or Walk in the Words donations or assets have gone to James, and we will not be giving him anything in the future since his termination was with cause. The year prior, Walk in the Word brought in close to $8.5 million, with 2,000 stations airing the show. The edited . No, I dont as well as many others. Since I know I am capable of the worst sin, I am choosing to show grace and praying fervently. God is sovereign, He is the Healer, He is the Restorer, He is the Renewer, and He will continue to do what He is doing in order to bring about His will for His people. The resources are pulpit curriculum and bible words to talk about. . Sometimes being good will also mean being nice, but sometimes it will not. Your staying as long as you did part of the clarity and power youve experienced in communicating what youve seen. Lina, My wife and I also left our church several years ago. And the lies werent just shared by James. I didnt want to be rebellious against authority. James ended up sending me a copy of the new approved blog post, and out of fear, I complied. 12:18) as while working through this year-and-half-long process of transition. It doesnt mean anything.. The womans bible study lead by two women who referenced Pastor James constantly are still in charge. Even more, the trauma of having those who had taught me so much about Jesus and showed me the way to Jesus healing suddenly take the side of the person who caused me to fear for my life- its taken a long time to move forward. That is why I really rally for our black preacher and pastors like Keion Henderson, https://www.keionhenderson.com/about-us/ ! Some women were still in the middle of the trauma and were still currently attending Harvest. From elders (Dave Corning, Jon Gaus, The Elephant Debt etc) to nobodies one by one we were all ignored and in many cases bullied. If you know anything about abuse it can take years to come forward. Church leadership is urging members to wait for the results of this reviewand the changes that will be implementedbefore making the decision to leave the church. now James McDonald. As a former Muslim, I grew in my walk with GOD because Pastor James teachings from the GODs Word. Subscribers receive full access to the archives. Both of us were involved in many forms of leadership and had invested for many years in the outreach of the church and all of its fellowship. Nellie-What you might not know. Walked out of that service. Harvest elders announced this morning that they were forced to take immediate action on Tuesday to end his 30-year tenure. I never worked at Harvest under Pastor James, I never wrote a book, I never had any altercation with Pastor James, and never had a complaint about him. Do systems of accountability exist in practice, or only on paper? Ross, Because these leaders will continue this false deceitful way of life that flows from them so seamlessly, so easily, and with such persuasiveness. Read the Old Testament. I believe you spoke up now to show how far reaching the powerful words and actions of those in authority goes. How long before we wake up and show the world how Christians are not only different from the world but we are not of the world! Im disappointed in your timing. What you have spoken in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the housetops.. This is the mercy and grace of God. Do elder boards mean anything, or are they just there to look pretty? I will not address any party affiliation. This journey has taken me several years. Wake up this tragedy has been in the works a long time. Seeing this in your personality it is understandable to me that at first you revered James correction and fell into compliance. I am aware that there has been some very good ministry done through this church. Then, on February 8th, Roys revealed material obtained under subpoena that backed up critics claims that Harvest Bible Chapel inappropriately took money from HBF. James biggest issue was his condemnation of other preachers, he never mentioned them by name he knew better, but I knew who he was talking about. Jesus is still the great healer and restorer. Thankful for the freedom you have found and are willing to speak up. As were you, we were grieving and had to pray for help finding that new church. Do you not remember that God used His Chosen to reveal the sin of not only churches, in the New Testament, but also to Kings in Old Testament. Harvest, which Roys says is $42 million in debt, is suing the Evangelical Christian Credit Union for not refinancing five of its mortgages. How about some GRACE !!! I dont see anything mean in her commentary. Even when you get away that fear doesnt leave just because you physically left. This past Sunday, Harvests elders and remaining pastors were in serious damage control mode. Praying for you, many blessings for all you do. sheripine@cbcglendora.org. I believe Yahweh has me where He wants me. It wasnt that we saw corruption in our church. (Galatians 2:11-21) Thank you for all you do. Its about the hurting. SHERI PINE. By then there were so many small things that werent so small and added up to big things that could have explained my leaving, but to me, that video was the tipping point. Thank you for your honestly, I personally did not ask why you left, because we left approximately the same time for the same reasons. I was wrong. Still, even I knew when enough was enough. It seems to have so many cracks in the structure. Like you, Lina, Ive listened to people wounded by sin, power grabs and wrongdoing by Church leaders. We cant judge the HEART of others, we can judge their actions and behaviors. The day I watched the video, I emailed my campus pastor and asked for an explanation. It is loving to tell the truth. You also restrained and could have said much more and didnt. I hope it doesnt chase people away from their spiritual questaway from God., I take no joy in this announcement, said Muller. All Rights Reserved. Laurie Newman, a Harvest member, told Christianity Today that she believes the church's current leaders, like Bradshaw, are "good people who want to lead the church the way God wants it to. Still, things seemed off. Gordon Zwirkoski, a former Harvest elder and the original director of HBF, told Roys that James MacDonald essentially wields ultimate authority at the church and cultivates a spirit of fear in the staff. Former Harvest employee Dave Jones says his church has welcomed dozens of Harvest refugees who show signs of spiritual abuse and are disillusioned.. Instead, it was MacDonald and his inner circle that were making the decisions, unilaterally. (My) fear was in upsetting James Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand., And even JMac was right when he quoted 1 Corinthians 16:13: (images of wife beating and mental control come to mind) For this, according to the Daily Herald, Secrest was fired. He kept telling me that I didnt understand authority and I was in rebellion. Fear is what has been under all this, I would not be surprised if there is some fear in Jamess heart that is the root cause of his sins here. Have you ever read this piece on how sick systems keep people controlled? I kept seeing little hints of questionable goings-on at Harvest Bible Church, a large megachurch in suburban Chicago, but didnt really pay attention until last week, when the issue blew up in the most bizarre way. The evil at Harvest is a nasty stage four cancer yet has invaded the entire body. Linas testimoney is encouraging. I really doubt theyre sending texts and emails asking for money. I still would like to read the blog on tattoos. In one fellowship people were actually warned to have nothing to do with us, and yet all we had done, in each instance was to ask questions. Others, too, could see the attitude. But if they submit to the Healer, they will come out stronger. If hearing voices together of those who have truth helps, then now is the time to speak. I was so dissappointed to hear that she left. Notify me by email when the comment gets approved. Through it all, our relationship with Christ was strengthened all the more. I love you and our Lird. 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