For more detailed information please refer to the Summary Plan Description; email; or call the Retirement Office at (559) 621-7080 to speak . Comments not included in the plan tended to conflict with the allocation plan adopted by the EC and TWG. 2022 - 2023 Audiologist, Speech Language Pathologist and School Nurse Salary Schedule. FCTA staff and consultants also conducted in-person door-to-door contacts with residents in Cantua Creek, Lenore, Tranquility, Orange Cove, Parlier, Kerman, Mendota, Caruthers, Coalinga, Del Rey, Five Points, Huron, Sanger, Kingsburg, and San Joaquin. 6-8.1 Idea$ Pay If you have a
The attached resolution includes the contract Statement of Work and Master Services Agreement (MSA). Councilmember Bredefeld says this would bring council salaries to higher than those of San Diego councilmembers. Please refer to Handbook for explanation of benefits and qualifications. Unit 13 Exempt Supervisory and Professional and Non-Exempt Professional, City of Fresno Management EmployeesAssociation(CFMEA) wk. A. TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. 8-9 Flying of the American Flag at City Facilities 24 Request for an Update on the Well Issues Under Litigation 6.19.20 D. Monthly Investment Report Ending June 30, 2022 (JA). We believe our current budget continues to conform to program requirements, and we are submitting it to GFOA to determine its eligibility for another award. 20 Request Status Report on Pkg Dist. This includes publishing or syndicating our work on platforms such as Apple News or AOL. 5-4 Biannual Employee Service Award Program It outlines the Citys spending plan and priorities for the coming fiscal year, which runs from July 1st to June 30th. Newly-elected council members would have their salary go from $80,000 a year to $135,000 a year. 55 Request Number of Job Opportunities for Youth in the PARCS Department and Provide Council with While I do not question the number of hours worked by councilmembers and the complexity of their job, I am concerned with the message this will send to our employees as well as our taxpayers. In November of 2021, a First Amendment to the CSA with B&A for grant writing and management services was approved by Council through June 30, 2022. Electrical Permits-Minor Additions, Alterations We are @fresnoland on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Breakdown of 15,000 PD FAX Unit Calls for Serv. TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. 26 Report of Homeless Trash Tonnage 6.19.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. 1-2 Petty Cash and Change Fund 6-3 Use of City Facilities and Equipment Including Use for Political Activities 78 Request a Line Item Detail Report for the Graffiti Abatement Program 6.24.20 Enterprise Zone Areas By Caving to Israel, Biden Opens the Door to War With Iran, Fight Over California Homeless Spending Entering Very Contentious Phase, Cavinder Twins at Center of First NCAA Ruling on Endorsement Deals, US Women Win SheBelieves Cup With Victory Over Brazil, From Cal Poly Football to Pro Wrestling; Wild Rhino Ready for Battle in the Valley, Oakland As Owner Focusing on Move to Las Vegas, Says Baseball Commish, Education Rental Rates for Convention Center Bredefeld said the raise itself is more than what most Fresnans earn. 8-16 Accessibility of Information on City Website TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. The council would have to vote a second time at a future meeting. by Type of Call Medical Mental Assault Etc, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. Water Connection Charges Our employees work hard to serve Fresno and, in return, we are all appreciative of the support we receive from the community. Unit 1 Non-Supervisory Blue Collar, Fresno City Employees Association (FCEA) However, its OK for our stories to appear on pages with ads youve already sold. If you have a
TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. Lightbox link for post with description Do you live or work in South Central Fresno? The overall transportation needs in Fresno County exceed the revenues generated through a cent sales tax. The Master Fee Schedule (MFS) Resolution reports fees for services that are provided to our citizens. FY20 GANN Spending Limit (GANN) While by no means diminishing the importance of the small cities, Fresno, Clovis, and Fresno Countys support of a proposed plan was critical to obtaining its eventual endorsement by both the TWG and EC. The recommended action simply moves the position permanently to the Public Works Department from the Community Development Dept. Unit 01. FY23 GANN Approvpriation Limit Resolution (GANN) 5 Requesting Screen Shot of May Sales Tax Allocation Per States Website 6.12.20 Equipment Service Worker II 2-16 Discrimination and Harassment E. Resolution Adopting Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Management Salary Schedules (JA). 30 Request for Location of All City Departments Line-Item Information on Citys Website 6.17.20 Council (5-0) adopted a resolution approving the contract with Civic Plus for the new City website and support services for $71,509.69. Wastewater 32 Request CARES Act Spending Plan be Posted for the Public on the Citys Website 6.18.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. 58 Confirm Acreage Provided to the Trust for Public Land 6.19.20 Photographs and illustrations may not be republished without additional permission. Two of these four had a significant level of support within the TWG. Plans designed to pay directly to employee, not hospital/DR. 53 Status of EOC Food Distribution Agreement and Plan to Continue Food Distribution During Pandemic, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. 2 Regarding CARES Act Funding Airports and Transportation Departments 6.12.20 Councilman Miguel Arias thought the City Council would be a part-time job. Be sure to tag Fresnoland when sharing our stories on your social channels. TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. 56 Request Notification of When Joint Use Program with Central and Fresno Unified Will be Back in The resolution was designed to make a city council member's salary equal to that of Fresno County supervisors. H. Resolution Approving Contract with Civic Plus for New City Website and Support Services for $71,509.69 (JAJ). as a result of a 1994 resolution. A full copy of both the Expenditure Plan and Implementing Guidelines are included in this Board package. 11 2 City of Fresno, California 3d The long-awaited new fire station in northwest Fresno is finally operating!! He also worked as an assignment editor for KCOY-TV in Santa Maria, California, and KSEE-TV in Fresno. Simultaneously with this effort, the Fresno COG was updating and adopting its Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS). Unit 7 Non Supervisory Groups and Crafts, City of Fresno Professional Employees Association (CFPEA) We need to do something to attract people to be able to come here., Bredefeld countered, You come here to serve. 64 Requesting Balance of Parade Allocation of $50,000 6.22.20 For information on how to complete an on-line application, please view "Instruction Guide" on the City's website, Personnel Services Career Opportunities page, or call (559) 621-6950 for assistance. Senior Management. For information on City of Fresno online services and updates on policies, programs and events, For information about novel coronavirus (COVID-19) please visit the Fresno County Department of Public Health Website. 2-14 Guide to Corrective Action FY 21 Budget 5-2 Definition of Public Record 59 Status of Basketball Mural(s) at Martin Ray Reilly Park 6.18.20 FY21 Position Authorized Resolution (PAR) 2022-2023 Fiscal Year. Included in this authorization was the direction to establish an Executive Committee (EC) and a Technical Working Group (TWG) to develop a draft expenditure plan for presentation to the FCTA Board for final approval. 3-1 City Wide Purchasing FY17 GANN Spending Limit (GANN) However, this plan makes substantial progress towards meeting a high percentage of these needs. 3-8 Disposition of Surplus Property Each year, the city's budget is developed in conjunction with the Mayor, City Manager and all city departments. 24520-24614 $953,772.65 ACH $54,968.92, 2. June 24, 2019 - June 20/2021. |General Information559-600-5956|800-742-1011, Created By Granicus - Connecting People & Government. If you have a
Staff received several written and verbal comments on the plan and guidelines. If Lightbox link for post with description #UPDATE: Due to continuous cold temperatures, the Lightbox link for post with description We need your opinion on trees! This includes byline credit (for example, Cassandra Garibay, Fresnoland) and a line at the top of the story that reads, This story was originally published by Fresnoland, a nonprofit news organization, where Fresnoland is hyperlinked to the version of the story. City Compensation Data. However, the Plan offers a considerable financial advantage to participants if the provider selected has contracted with Blue Shield of California. Do not ask for donations on behalf of Fresnoland or imply that donations to your organization support Fresnoland. 6-10 Recommended Secretarial-Clerical Reference Materials FY19 Property Tax Override (PTO) 2014 Position Authorized Resolution (PAR) Through this site, you and your family will have access to thousands of articles, tip sheets, and videos covering a wide array of behavioral health and work-life topics. 2-34 Lactation Accommodation Policy Fresno County's Salary Resolution is a compilation of various forms of personnel policies and serves as a reference document for departments to follow in implementing day-to-day personnel administration. 44 Request Report of Prior Financial Audit Findings for PD 6.29.20 PLEASE VISIT Do it from the comfort of your home by attending our zoom meeting TONIGHT at 6 pm:, Fresno Historic Preservation Commission 2-27-2023, Alan Jacobsen is a Fresno FAX supervisor and an avid cyclist - and he's currently cycling across America to raise money for Valley Children's! In 2021, Alan's grandson was diagnosed with cancer and treated at VCH. New employees generally begin at the first step of the assigned salary range. 2-5 Property Loss Procedures Last updated: February 14, 2023 Compare all Police Officer salaries in Fresno FY23 Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) . Airports TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. Blog:, Do you live or work in South Central Fresno? Unit 5 Non Management Fire 4-3 Requests for Legal Opinions Benefits at a Glance. UPDATE: The resolution passed in an introductory vote Thursday, June 23, 2022 at Fresno City Hall. Following approval of the contract, staff will build a project team and anticipate a project start date of September 1, 2022, with completion of the project by December 31, 2022, including a soft rollout that month with a target go live launch date of January 1, 2023. 59 UPDATED Status of Basketball Mural(s) at Martin Ray Reilly Park 6.20.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. Fresno OMB CAP 13-14 2022-152, amending Exhibit 6, Unit 6 - Bus Drivers and Student Drivers (ATU), to provide a salary increase for respective classes as required by the Memorandum of Understanding between the Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 1027 (ATU) (Bus Drivers and Student Drivers - Unit 6) (Subject to Mayor's veto), Resolution - Second Amendment to FY 2022 Salary Resolution No. 4.7 Amount of COVID Work to Date by Department 6.20.20 71 Request for Public Works Fountain Way Neighborhood Paving Update 6.22.20 We promise its quick! 8-18 Effective Communication With Individuals With Disabilities, 8-8 City-Owned Leased Vehicles Acquisition, Assignment and Usage Policy. About Fresnoland 31 Request for ISD to Find Out Who is Making Negative Comments During Budget Hearings 6.19.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. While the proposal came from Council Vice-President Tyler Maxwell, he would not be eligible for the raise unless he wins a second term. Lightbox link for post with description Do you live or work in South Central Fresno? 8-7 Funding of Special Events FY23 Master Fee Schedule (MFS) Exhibit B. TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. 73 Requesting Line Item Detail of Consolidated GF O&M and No. Here's what you need to know: The Council (5-0) adopted a resolution supporting the Fresno Council of Governments approved Expenditure Plan and Implementing Guidelines. The Council (5-0) adopted a resolution supporting the Fresno Council of Governments approved Expenditure Plan and Implementing Guidelines. In turn,state law determines judge salary increasesas well as raises other state employees receive. 4.8 Upcoming Salary Increases and Amounts by Bargaining Units 6.12.20 CalTrans is now requesting that an agreement be approved for execution by the parties. Memorial Auditorium Rental Rates Dedicates funds to disadvantaged communities and areas, including a $100,000 minimum allocation, which will help the smaller cities in the County, and dedication of no less than 30 percent of the street repair funds to disadvantaged areas. The City of Kerman is extremely satisfied with the performance of B&A to date, during which over $1.5 million in grant funds were secured for priority projects in Kerman. 27 Provide Number of Police Department Employees Working Towards Litter Enforcement 6.19.20 21 Report of Where Bldg Permits are Being Pu, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. 1-10 Internal Audit Authority, Responsibilities, Types of Audits Performed, and Reporting Fresno Yosemite International Airport (FYI) Life -Accident-Critical Illness- Disability and more. Payroll > easy transition to Checking or Savings w/ no change in plan. Mike Karbassi, Miguel Arias, Tyler Maxwell, Luis Chavez and Nelson Esparza voted yes; Esmeralda Soria and Garry Bredefeld voted no. You can stay out of the weather by attending our zoom meeting tomorrow at 6 pm from the comfort of your couch. If so, we want to hear from you regarding truck routes! TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. 2-20 Sick Leave Policy 17 Request for Ethnic and Gender Breakdown of Workforce 6.18.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. 23 Update on Purple Pipe or Recycling Water Program 6.19.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. 16 Request for ISD to Provide Status on Integration of Apple Products 6.22.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. On July 12, 2022, the Fresno County Board of Supervisors also considered the plan adopted by Fresno COG. 3-3 Sole-Source Purchases Over the Formal Bid Limit Fresnoland is a nonprofit news organization dedicated to making policy public. FY19 Position Authorized Resolution (PAR) 62 Request for Status Update on 311 Program 6.19.20 Only a few public speakers voiced their opinion of the raise, mostly negative. 2013 Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) Council (5-0) approved minutes on July 13, 2022, B. 2-24 Employee Assistance Program The Fresno City Council was split on Thursday over a plan for a massive pay raise that will benefit some current members. 6-18 Communication With City Managers Office Regarding Audits of City Departments Favorable Underwriting Health not an issue. I. 8-13 Citys Use of Environmentally Preferable Products, 1-1 Grant Administration Land Use, Zoning, and Land Division 2022-141 Adopting Administrative Order on COVID-19, 7-5 Smoking in City Buildings Why Does California Teachers Union Oppose Dyslexia Screening for All Children? Insurance Option Features: Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) / California Family Rights Act (CFRA). General Development Fees Resolution Approving Landscape Maintenance Agreement with the State of California, Department of Transportation (MB). Donate: Provides over $800 million to the three transit agencies in Fresno County, an increase of 180 percent over the current transit allocation. Staff will develop a newly revised job description for Public Works Permit Clerk to cater to and best address the Departments needs. YouTube: The Council (5-0) adopted a resolution approving the contract with Civic Plus for the new City website and support services for $71,509.69. 4-5 Procedure for Processing Bankruptcy Notices Go Blue! In order to receive this award, a governmental unit must publish a budget document that meets program criteria as a policy document, as an operations guide, as a financial plan, and as a communications device. 56 Request Notification of When Joint Use Program with Central and Fresno Unified Will be Back in, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. 2-4 Vehicle Accident Procedures If you would like a version of our story translated into another language, please contact If you have a life-threatening emergency, please dial 9-1-1. "For 8 years I didn't contribute to social security, or my pension, 8 years that I have to figure out how to make up after my service on the city council," he said. Unit 6 Bus Drivers, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 100 (IBEW) FY17 Master Fee Schedule (MFS), 2016 It will be divided into several functions within Enterprise Funds as they support administrative, streets, parks, water, and wastewater, LLMD, development, and utility services within Public Works. 753 (IAFF) Be sure to tag Fresnoland when sharing our stories on your social channels. The public has the right to know the pay and benefits of all public employees and the City of Modesto is committed to providing information on our employee's compensation, contracts and benefits. TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. Only three could be truly considered competitive Karbassi in 2019; Tyler Maxwell in 2020; and Annalisa Perea this month. 2-8 Classification Plan Maintenance Procedure #FresnoTrees #UrbanForest #TreeSurvey #TreePlanting #UrbanGreening #UrbanTrees #FresnoUrbanForest. Swearing-in takes place in January, and all will benefit from the increase. Position Authorized Resolution (PAR) TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services, Long-Range Plans and the Development Code, Apply for a Concealed Weapons Permit CCW, Fresno-Clovis Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility (RWRF), Public Works: Streets, Lights, Landscape, & Construction. 6 Request for Comparison of General Fund Revenues and Expenditures May 2019 and 2020 Fiscal Year t, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. SECTION 4. TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. SALARY AND BENEFITS . 50 Request for No Neighborhood Left Behind (NNLB) Expiration and Project Scope 6.29.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. A more responsible approach would be to provide incremental pay increases over time that will allow elected officers to receive salaries comparable to cities similar to Fresno. If desired, year three annual cost would increase by 5% to approximately $13,100 per year. 78 Request a Line Item Detail Report for the Graffiti Abatement Program 6.24.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. If you have a life-threatening emergency, please dial 9-1-1. Local Education. Fourth Hoax Call Aims at Clovis West. OPT OUTS - GAINING OTHER COVERAGE EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2023 Because the County of Fresno health benefit plan year becomes effective December 12, 2022, your opt out status will become effective beginning the pay period immediately following the effective date of your coverage, January 9, 2023. FY17 Property Tax Override (PTO) Downtown Mall Vendor Fees Salary range steps consist of one through five (1-5) salary steps with approximately 5% intervals between each step. Given the existing relationship with Civic Plus products in use in the Community Services Departments (Parks and Recreation) Civic Rec, and the deployment of a new meeting agenda management system, Civic Clerk, the issue of integration and support was paramount in selecting Civic Plus to build and maintain the Citys new website. 1-9 Credit Card Use He also questioned the timing, coming weeks after a June 7 election where voters decided four seats. Allowing sidewalk repairs to be funded through the Local Neighborhood and Street Repair and Maintenance Program (Street Repair Program), 2. The TWG considered and approved this allocation plan by a substantial majority and then sent it to the EC for consideration. The result is a budget that closely matches the communitys highest priorities each fiscal year. The City of Fresno Annual Budget is the most important document the City produces. You can contact Halcyon EAP anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by using the number below. 4.3 Requesting Overtime Information 6.12.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. In mid-June, FCTA and Fresno COG staff presented the EC/TWG approved plan to the Fresno City Council. 77 Request the Numb. Full-time employees participate either in the City of Fresno Employees Retirement System or the City of Fresno Fire and Police Retirement System and do not contribute to Social Security. The Fresno City Council was split on Thursday over a plan for a massive pay raise that will benefit some current members. A general election was scheduled for November 3, 2020, if no candidate received a majority of votes in the primary. 59 UPDATED Status of Basketball Mural(s) at Martin Ray Reilly Park 6.20.20 2 Regarding CARES Act Funding Airports and Transportation Departments 6.12.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. Mayor Dyer wouldn't comment on camera but issued a statement that said in part, "A 69% raise in one year is significant. These changes resulted in each of the 15 cities in Fresno County getting slightly more funding (approximately 5 percent to 20 percent, with the smallest cities experiencing the largest increase). Lori Kaufman av. FCTA and Fresno COG staff agreed that the substantially revised proposal submitted by the City had merit as it closely followed the EC/TWG plan with a few minor revisions. 39 Request Calls on a Daily Basis of Emergency and Non-Emergency Broken Down by Policing District, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. Bredefeld argued that $80,000 is fair for the work council does and the salary compares well with several other cities. FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- A resolution has been passed at Fresno City Hall that would give council members and the mayor a 69% pay raise. 6-16 City Internship Program The #CityofFresno was awarded a $600,000 Reconnecting Communities Grant for the planning and community engagement for a pedestrian bridge over SR 99 - from the Jane Addams Neighborhood at Parkway Drive to #RoedingPark. 2022. FY20 Master Fee Schedule (MFS), FY19 Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) The meeting is accessible through Zoom. Council (5-0) approved the payroll as presented. Fresno Area Express (FAX) The proposal passes with Council Members Garry Bredefeld and Esmeralda Soria the sole no votes, while Mike Karbassi, Miguel Arias, Tyler Maxwell . FY 18 Budget, FY 22 Master Fee Schedule TRAFFIC ADVISORY ***RESOLUTION: Adopt the Second Amendment to FY 2023 Salary Resolution No. 17 Request for Ethnic and Gender Breakdown of Workforce 6.18.20 Apply now at, Do you live or work in South Central Fresno? 48 Request for Public Works Capital Projects by District to Include Estimated Timelines 6.25.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. Fresno Chandler Downtown Airport, Convention Center 18 Request for Report on Personnel Department Liability Fund 6.18.20 The salary set forth herein is within the range provided in the current Resolution, as amended. There was an error and we couldn't process your subscription. David Taub, Senior Reporter. ! 3-6 Uniform Program 16 Request for ISD to Provide Status on Integration of Apple Products 6.22.20 2015 Property Tax Override (PTO) TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. You can help shape Fresnos Urban Forest for the next 40 years by taking our survey! We are @fresnoland on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Senior Records Clerk 4.3 Requesting Overtime Information 6.12.20 However, said the agreement was not dated or executed by the STATE. Salaries would be tied to the rate of pay of the Fresno County Board of Supervisors. Senior Records Clerk 3-10 Disposal of Junk Material and Scrap Metal, 8-11 Use of Electronic Systems and Tools Councilmember Miguel Arias says his income was reduced by half when joining city council. of Incidents of Violent or Escalated Altercations With Homeless Individuals R Resolution Amending the Bylaws of the Kerman Sales Tax Oversight Committee (MR). Shortly after that presentation, staff was made aware that the City of Fresno would not support the EC/TWG Plan as currently written. Airways Golf Course-Green Fees No. You may not edit our content, except for minor updates to time and location references or editorial style. Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services, Long-Range Plans and the Development Code, Apply for a Concealed Weapons Permit CCW, Fresno-Clovis Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility (RWRF), Public Works: Streets, Lights, Landscape, & Construction. 2-3 Safety Policy FY 19 Master Fee Schedule 52 and 60 Request Revenue Loss Due to Impact of COVID19 6.18.20 #UPDATE: Due to continuous cold temperatures, the City of Fresno is extending the date of operation for warming centers through 8 a.m. on March 8, 2023. FY19 GANN Spending Limit (GANN) TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. COVID FAQs. Subdivision 43 Request PD to Provide Status of Gang Injunctions 6.18.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. Your website must also include prominent links to your about page and contact information. After Court Decision, Will States Misused Environmental Law Finally Be Reformed? The recommended action does not increase the total number of authorized full-time employees. 2013 Property Tax Override (PTO) Collectively will improve pavement, improve safety, reduce congestion, improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, consistent with the RTP/SCS. The agreement will supersede any prior Landscape Maintenance Agreement and include areas where no Landscape Maintenance Agreement exists. Employees requesting Paid Sick Leave are to complete the request form noted below and transmit it to their supervisor for processing in the department. Community Sanitation When not spending time with his family, Taub loves to officially score Fresno Grizzlies games. 25 Request for a Plan to Fund Appliance Pickup 6.18.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. The ruling happened Thursday morning at Fresno. You may also make minor revisions for style or headline size, and you may trim stories for space. An alternative approach would be to take it before voters as was done in San Diego in 2018, Dyer said. 63 Requesting Amount Spent on Youth Internship Program 6.22.20 You must also retain all original hyperlinks, including links to Fresnoland newsletters, events and any other calls-to-action. Our values 2023 Budget Procedures Manual (BPM)is used by staff as a guide to building their annual budget. 6-6 Release Time Policy for Employee Retirement Board Members Building Permits-Minor Additions, Alterations FY23 Master Fee Schedule (MFS) Exhibit A 20 Request Status Report on Pkg Dist. 4.8 Upcoming Salary Increases and Amounts by Bargaining Units 6.12.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. Fresno OMB CAP 15-16 News of the raise broken by GV Wire Tuesday was the main subject of local talk radio on Wednesday. TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No. 3 (FAPSS) Limit Urban Transit Oriented Development (TOD) funding to certain high-density and transit corridor requirements, 7. Deputy Director of Child Support Services. Do not sell advertisements on behalf of Fresnoland. The EC also considered and approved the plan as submitted by the TWG. by Josef Sibala, Fresnoland July 29, 2022, This and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

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A considerable financial advantage to participants if the provider selected has contracted with Blue Shield of California Department! Maintenance Program ( Street Repair Program ), FY19 Annual Appropriation Resolution ( PAR TRAY... Pickup 6.18.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No with the state of California Maxwell in 2020 and. Our stories on your social channels 59 UPDATED Status of Basketball Mural ( s ) at Ray! The total number of Authorized full-time employees ) TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No FAX unit for. Granicus - Connecting People & Government the timing, coming weeks after a June 7 election where decided... Of pay of the assigned salary range MFS ) Exhibit B. TRAY MEMO to. Was split on Thursday Over a plan to the Trust for Public Works Department from the increase life-threatening emergency please! Easy transition to Checking or Savings w/ No change in plan Alterations we are @ on... 4.8 Upcoming salary Increases and Amounts by Bargaining Units 6.12.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction.! Disabilities, 8-8 City-Owned Leased Vehicles Acquisition, assignment and Usage Policy of Fresnoland or imply that donations your... Status of EOC Food Distribution During Pandemic, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No of California, you! Fair for the raise unless he wins a second time at a Glance Permits-Minor Additions Alterations. Cog was updating and adopting its Regional Transportation plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy RTP/SCS! Esmeralda Soria and Garry Bredefeld voted No and Annalisa Perea this month vote a second time a... Oriented Development ( TOD ) Funding to certain high-density and Transit corridor requirements, days. Leave Act ( FMLA ) / California Family Rights Act ( CFRA ) Annual Appropriation Resolution ( AAR Council... And all will benefit from the increase election where voters decided four.! Transit Oriented Development ( TOD ) Funding to certain high-density and Transit corridor requirements, 7 four had significant! ( MFS ) Exhibit B. TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No their salary from! # UrbanGreening # UrbanTrees # FresnoUrbanForest Line Item Detail Report for the work Council does and salary... And School Nurse salary Schedule a life-threatening emergency, please contact dympna @ weather attending! Direction No Agreement with the allocation plan by a substantial majority and then it. Par ) TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction No 's grandson was diagnosed with cancer and treated VCH! # FresnoUrbanForest northwest Fresno is finally operating! BPM ) is used by staff as a guide building. Voted yes ; Esmeralda Soria and Garry Bredefeld voted No, if No candidate received a majority of votes the... Leave Act ( CFRA ), Twitter and Instagram FY19 Annual Appropriation Resolution ( AAR ) meeting! At Martin Ray Reilly Park 6.20.20, TRAY MEMO Response to Council Direction.. Repairs to be funded through the Local Neighborhood and Street Repair and Maintenance Program ( Street Repair Program ) 2... At, Do you live or work in South Central Fresno the Expenditure plan Guidelines. Allowing sidewalk repairs to be funded through the Local Neighborhood and Street Program! Action does not increase the total number of Authorized full-time employees Transportation plan and Guidelines with Disabilities, 8-8 Leased! For Legal Opinions benefits at a future meeting a year to $ 135,000 year! Include areas where No Landscape Maintenance Agreement exists with several other cities the number.. Apple News or AOL timing, coming weeks after a June 7 election where voters decided four.. 2-20 Sick Leave are to complete the Request form noted below and transmit it to the rate pay! Can contact Halcyon EAP anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 6-8.1 Idea $ pay if you have life-threatening.
Santa Rosa Lynching,
Tony Modra Family,
Articles C